Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Since man was created, we have had such a struggle with the idea of following, of being up under someone, of trusting someone that they have our best interest in mind in their decisions.  This happened in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and it’s still happening today.  Shepherds are faithful over their flocks, but there has never been one greater than our Good Shepherd, Jesus, Who laid down His life for us; His sheep.  How could we not trust a shepherd who not only laid down His life but took care of all the things in our lives that kept us away from our greatest destiny with God, sin.   In this message Greg shares about how he began soaking on the Lord’s prayer and how it impacted his life, including how Jesus encountered Him powerfully, showing Himself as the Good Shepherd. You’ll be so encouraged and inspired, and you will fall in love with Jesus your Good Shepherd all over again as you, too, begin to soak, or abide on the 23 Psalm.
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Since man was created, we have had such a struggle with the idea of following, of being up under someone, of trusting someone that they have our best interest in mind in their decisions.  This happened in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and it’s still happening today.  Shepherds are faithful over their flocks, but there has never been one greater than our Good Shepherd, Jesus, Who laid down His life for us; His sheep.  How could we not trust a shepherd who not only laid down His life but took care of all the things in our lives that kept us away from our greatest destiny with God, sin.   In this message Greg shares about how he began soaking on the Lord’s prayer and how it impacted his life, including how Jesus encountered Him powerfully, showing Himself as the Good Shepherd. You’ll be so encouraged and inspired, and you will fall in love with Jesus your Good Shepherd all over again as you, too, begin to soak, or abide on the 23 Psalm.
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