Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

FIRST LOVE! I Know The Good You’ve Done, But You Have Fallen (Part 1)

There is nothing more exciting and life-shifting than to experience the Life Jesus gives us when we are born again. The weightiness of all our sins becomes so heavy upon us when we encounter the reality of God and His law. There is nothing more awesome to find out that He allowed us to feel the weight of our sin so that we’d become broken about it. There is a Godly Sorrow that leads to repentance. Yet, sometimes, we can be injured by life, by our own sin, our own struggles and though we are doing many things for God, we can find out that we left our first love for Him. In this message we’ll see how Jesus speaks to a church called Ephesus who were doing amazing things “for God” by anyone’s measurement, is amazing, yet Jesus had something against them. Though they had been doing this work for God, they left their love for God, the love that they had at first. You may be shocked to find out what Jesus said and what the consequences were if they, we, don’t repent and return to our love for Him. We don’t want to miss this important message for us to assure we continue to live an overflowing joyous love we have in the magnificent King Jesus Who saved us and has allowed us to have; our first love.
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There is nothing more exciting and life-shifting than to experience the Life Jesus gives us when we are born again. The weightiness of all our sins becomes so heavy upon us when we encounter the reality of God and His law. There is nothing more awesome to find out that He allowed us to feel the weight of our sin so that we’d become broken about it. There is a Godly Sorrow that leads to repentance. Yet, sometimes, we can be injured by life, by our own sin, our own struggles and though we are doing many things for God, we can find out that we left our first love for Him. In this message we’ll see how Jesus speaks to a church called Ephesus who were doing amazing things “for God” by anyone’s measurement, is amazing, yet Jesus had something against them. Though they had been doing this work for God, they left their love for God, the love that they had at first. You may be shocked to find out what Jesus said and what the consequences were if they, we, don’t repent and return to our love for Him. We don’t want to miss this important message for us to assure we continue to live an overflowing joyous love we have in the magnificent King Jesus Who saved us and has allowed us to have; our first love.
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