Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

FIRST LOVE! Show Me Your Face (Part 18)

Of all the ways that God, the Creator of the Universe, chose to re-introduce Himself to mankind was to show us His face.  Moses talked with God face to face, as a friend, as God shared with Moses so many things including the first five books of the Bible.  In this message we discover or rediscover that we are image bearers, created in the image and likeness of God.  Our face is more than just a face, it reflects who we are.  When a child is born the first thing he or she does is look for a face. Once they see their mother, and their father, they look to find out who they are by seeing others see them.  It is the same for any one of us that we’re all looking for a face to recognize us, but it’s only God’s face and the face of God on others that truly reflect who we are created to be.  Finally, we’ll learn how so many “things” and “man creations” for years has worked to steal away the face of mankind and today such efforts are on the largest scale maybe the world has ever seen, yet our God saves us from all and sets us apart as His own, face to Face, relationship.  Show Me Your Face!
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Of all the ways that God, the Creator of the Universe, chose to re-introduce Himself to mankind was to show us His face.  Moses talked with God face to face, as a friend, as God shared with Moses so many things including the first five books of the Bible.  In this message we discover or rediscover that we are image bearers, created in the image and likeness of God.  Our face is more than just a face, it reflects who we are.  When a child is born the first thing he or she does is look for a face. Once they see their mother, and their father, they look to find out who they are by seeing others see them.  It is the same for any one of us that we’re all looking for a face to recognize us, but it’s only God’s face and the face of God on others that truly reflect who we are created to be.  Finally, we’ll learn how so many “things” and “man creations” for years has worked to steal away the face of mankind and today such efforts are on the largest scale maybe the world has ever seen, yet our God saves us from all and sets us apart as His own, face to Face, relationship.  Show Me Your Face!
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