Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

On Father’s Day 1995, the Presence of God poured into the morning service of Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida in a way that no one could imagine or was expecting. After preaching a 10-part series on the glory of God, even Pastor John Kilpatrick did not know what he was experiencing that very moment. He had to ask the Lord what it was. “This is what you just got done preaching son”, the Lord said to him. In this wonderful uplifting and encouraging message, John Kilpatrick recounts some of the memories and testimonies that he witnessed during those beautiful and memorable years that the world remembers as “The Brownsville Revival”. There are lessons of wisdom that we can learn from these mighty wonders of the Lord. As John Kilpatrick shares, there is a difference between the anointing and the glory. There is the glory of the Lord that can be felt, and there is the glory of the Lord that can be seen. The glory of God takes you in a realm past the anointing where the creative miracles are. You will be deeply encouraged in your walk with the Lord and stirred with a deep longing hunger for more of the Lord. Just like Moses said in Exodus 33:18, “Lord, show me Your glory.” The times and season that we are in and the events that we are witnessing on the face of the Earth is a telling sign that what we need most of all is the glory of the Lord!
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On Father’s Day 1995, the Presence of God poured into the morning service of Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida in a way that no one could imagine or was expecting. After preaching a 10-part series on the glory of God, even Pastor John Kilpatrick did not know what he was experiencing that very moment. He had to ask the Lord what it was. “This is what you just got done preaching son”, the Lord said to him. In this wonderful uplifting and encouraging message, John Kilpatrick recounts some of the memories and testimonies that he witnessed during those beautiful and memorable years that the world remembers as “The Brownsville Revival”. There are lessons of wisdom that we can learn from these mighty wonders of the Lord. As John Kilpatrick shares, there is a difference between the anointing and the glory. There is the glory of the Lord that can be felt, and there is the glory of the Lord that can be seen. The glory of God takes you in a realm past the anointing where the creative miracles are. You will be deeply encouraged in your walk with the Lord and stirred with a deep longing hunger for more of the Lord. Just like Moses said in Exodus 33:18, “Lord, show me Your glory.” The times and season that we are in and the events that we are witnessing on the face of the Earth is a telling sign that what we need most of all is the glory of the Lord!
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