Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

The Promised Holy Spirit: The Explanation of the Promise: Holy Spirit – Part 3

God’s perfect timing when He birthed His Church through His Son, Jesus Christ, by the outpouring of His Spirit occurred when “God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven” were in Jerusalem. It was at this moment that the Tower of Babel’s confusion was removed, and everyone, though they spoke different languages, understood in their own language through what God demonstrated through His Holy Spirit. It was after this awesome birthing of the Church that the twelve apostles stood up in the midst of this crowd, and Peter began to explain what had just taken place. It is this explanation of the Holy Spirit and the journey of Jesus Christ that Peter makes clear to us and to those listening what happened, why it happened, and that every individual has to decide in their own heart if they personally are going to be saved. He made the Gospel message so clear that over 3,000 were saved that day by making Jesus Christ the Lord of their life.
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God’s perfect timing when He birthed His Church through His Son, Jesus Christ, by the outpouring of His Spirit occurred when “God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven” were in Jerusalem. It was at this moment that the Tower of Babel’s confusion was removed, and everyone, though they spoke different languages, understood in their own language through what God demonstrated through His Holy Spirit. It was after this awesome birthing of the Church that the twelve apostles stood up in the midst of this crowd, and Peter began to explain what had just taken place. It is this explanation of the Holy Spirit and the journey of Jesus Christ that Peter makes clear to us and to those listening what happened, why it happened, and that every individual has to decide in their own heart if they personally are going to be saved. He made the Gospel message so clear that over 3,000 were saved that day by making Jesus Christ the Lord of their life.
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