Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

The Promised Holy Spirit: Receive The Gift Of Tongues / Baptism With The Holy Spirit by Praying in Tongues – Part 16

Sometimes, we just need others to walk with us on our journey to accepting the free gift of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Not only do we speak in tongues, which is a heavenly language, when we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, but we can also sing in the Spirit. That's right! It's a heavenly language that, when we harmonize with each other as the Holy Spirit leads, becomes one of the most uplifting experiences. The presence of the Lord floods our hearts during these times. This part of The Promise series, "Receive The Gift Of Tongues / Baptism With The Holy Spirit" by Pray in Tongues, will help fill your heart and mind with a heavenly prayer language. It will assist you in receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit and open up an entirely new way to worship the Lord. Take some time to find a quiet place or gather with others who are seeking the infilling of the Holy Spirit or have already been baptized in the Holy Spirit. Begin worshiping God and embark on your journey of power as you are baptized in the Holy Spirit to become witnesses of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Listen to part 14 of The Promise to guide you.
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Sometimes, we just need others to walk with us on our journey to accepting the free gift of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Not only do we speak in tongues, which is a heavenly language, when we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, but we can also sing in the Spirit. That's right! It's a heavenly language that, when we harmonize with each other as the Holy Spirit leads, becomes one of the most uplifting experiences. The presence of the Lord floods our hearts during these times. This part of The Promise series, "Receive The Gift Of Tongues / Baptism With The Holy Spirit" by Pray in Tongues, will help fill your heart and mind with a heavenly prayer language. It will assist you in receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit and open up an entirely new way to worship the Lord. Take some time to find a quiet place or gather with others who are seeking the infilling of the Holy Spirit or have already been baptized in the Holy Spirit. Begin worshiping God and embark on your journey of power as you are baptized in the Holy Spirit to become witnesses of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Listen to part 14 of The Promise to guide you.
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