Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Don’t Stop at 6! Press into the Promise!

There is nothing more exciting than to have the Lord tell us about His great plans for us, plans to bless us, to restore our lives and give us a great future and nothing more challenging than the patience, time and obedience that is required to walk into what the Lord has already made available to us.  That is where faith comes in.  This message will help you begin to get a better understanding of how the Lord brings us into what He has already provided for us and balances the tension between faith and the words that accompany your faith; completed faith.  The Lord told Joshua He had already given him Jericho, all its wealth and strength in his hands, yet it had not yet manifested.  There were some specific instructions that required faith and obedience to bring this provision to past.  So many people fall short during this part of their personal journey.  They don’t understand the love of God, the provision of God, the plans of God and the ways of God and take what is meant to be received by faith and try to walk it out in reason; in their minds.  They were told to march around the walls 7 times, then God would make the walls fall, many stop at 6.  This message will encourage you and build your faith and tenacity to be determined not to quit, not to fall away, not to stop at 6, but to enter the promise of God for your life.
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There is nothing more exciting than to have the Lord tell us about His great plans for us, plans to bless us, to restore our lives and give us a great future and nothing more challenging than the patience, time and obedience that is required to walk into what the Lord has already made available to us.  That is where faith comes in.  This message will help you begin to get a better understanding of how the Lord brings us into what He has already provided for us and balances the tension between faith and the words that accompany your faith; completed faith.  The Lord told Joshua He had already given him Jericho, all its wealth and strength in his hands, yet it had not yet manifested.  There were some specific instructions that required faith and obedience to bring this provision to past.  So many people fall short during this part of their personal journey.  They don’t understand the love of God, the provision of God, the plans of God and the ways of God and take what is meant to be received by faith and try to walk it out in reason; in their minds.  They were told to march around the walls 7 times, then God would make the walls fall, many stop at 6.  This message will encourage you and build your faith and tenacity to be determined not to quit, not to fall away, not to stop at 6, but to enter the promise of God for your life.
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