Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Works of Faith – Building for Capacity with 12 Steps to Succeed

Discover twelve specific steps you can take that will empower you to operate in the faith God has called you to.  Has God given you a dream, a desire in your heart, but you don’t know what you are supposed to do with it or how to bring it to pass?  Have you tried to step out in faith to do what you feel strongly the Lord shown you, you were supposed to do, but failed?  This message is for you.  There are specific steps to doing the “works of faith” and without the “works” all we have is “dead faith” that produces nothing according to James in the Book of James; Jesus’ brother.  We can’t wait until you become inspired as you hear the words of Jesus in a whole new light of the “how to” regarding what Jesus says you can do.  There are so many who speak of faith, but when it comes to works of faith many fall silent or just fall.  Not only does God exist, not only did God create the universe and you, He also rewards those who understand and operate in “works of faith.”  You’ll learn from A to Z, beginning to end, how to operate in works of faith and God’s expectation that all His children should do so.  It’s time to prepare and build for capacity for no eye has seen, no ear has heard, what the Lord has in store for those who are His.  No matter what God has called you to in life there is one common expectation He has for all His children and that is to not only to walk by faith, but also to do the works of faith.  Business, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, Family, or Faith/Ministry, no matter where you are called, you’ll need to understand and know how to do works of faith to build for the capacity you’ll need to succeed in effective use of the gifts, talents, dreams, vision and goals God has placed upon your heart.
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Discover twelve specific steps you can take that will empower you to operate in the faith God has called you to.  Has God given you a dream, a desire in your heart, but you don’t know what you are supposed to do with it or how to bring it to pass?  Have you tried to step out in faith to do what you feel strongly the Lord shown you, you were supposed to do, but failed?  This message is for you.  There are specific steps to doing the “works of faith” and without the “works” all we have is “dead faith” that produces nothing according to James in the Book of James; Jesus’ brother.  We can’t wait until you become inspired as you hear the words of Jesus in a whole new light of the “how to” regarding what Jesus says you can do.  There are so many who speak of faith, but when it comes to works of faith many fall silent or just fall.  Not only does God exist, not only did God create the universe and you, He also rewards those who understand and operate in “works of faith.”  You’ll learn from A to Z, beginning to end, how to operate in works of faith and God’s expectation that all His children should do so.  It’s time to prepare and build for capacity for no eye has seen, no ear has heard, what the Lord has in store for those who are His.  No matter what God has called you to in life there is one common expectation He has for all His children and that is to not only to walk by faith, but also to do the works of faith.  Business, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, Family, or Faith/Ministry, no matter where you are called, you’ll need to understand and know how to do works of faith to build for the capacity you’ll need to succeed in effective use of the gifts, talents, dreams, vision and goals God has placed upon your heart.
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