Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Ecclesiastes 3 reveals that there is a time for everything. One of these is a time to be silent. Times come, and they go, just like the four seasons. Farmers understand these seasons. Regardless of what season we find ourselves in, we know it is only that, a season; and a new season will eventually arrive. With this in mind, there can be many different things or situations happening in our lives. Before we begin speaking about them, it is important to know what season we are in. We may be in a time to be silent. In this important message you will understand the how’s and why’s of: why does God have times of being silent? What do we do if we find ourselves in a time to be silent? What are the types of situations that would cause us to be silent? You may not be going through a time of being silent, but you will be able to appreciate those who are. It is in these times of silence that we become intimately aware of God’s still small voice and the essence of Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God…”
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Ecclesiastes 3 reveals that there is a time for everything. One of these is a time to be silent. Times come, and they go, just like the four seasons. Farmers understand these seasons. Regardless of what season we find ourselves in, we know it is only that, a season; and a new season will eventually arrive. With this in mind, there can be many different things or situations happening in our lives. Before we begin speaking about them, it is important to know what season we are in. We may be in a time to be silent. In this important message you will understand the how’s and why’s of: why does God have times of being silent? What do we do if we find ourselves in a time to be silent? What are the types of situations that would cause us to be silent? You may not be going through a time of being silent, but you will be able to appreciate those who are. It is in these times of silence that we become intimately aware of God’s still small voice and the essence of Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God…”
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