Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

One Million Plus Men, Stand in the Gap for America, God gives a 400 Million Dollar Plus response!

Has the Lord promised you something, but it seems like there is an impossible barrier between you and that promise?  If so, this message is for you.  You’ll discover how God uses His angels to deal with impossible barriers, while also learning about the importance of understanding the significance of angels as God’s enforcers by looking at how we see law enforcement.   Greg Lancaster shares about a dangerous traffic stop late in the night that involved drugs and guns.  It’s been a long desert experience! It’s time to get informed about how God has designed you to come into the promises He has for your life.
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Has the Lord promised you something, but it seems like there is an impossible barrier between you and that promise?  If so, this message is for you.  You’ll discover how God uses His angels to deal with impossible barriers, while also learning about the importance of understanding the significance of angels as God’s enforcers by looking at how we see law enforcement.   Greg Lancaster shares about a dangerous traffic stop late in the night that involved drugs and guns.  It’s been a long desert experience! It’s time to get informed about how God has designed you to come into the promises He has for your life.
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