Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

God Responds to The Cry of His People, In Our Life’s Storm

What do you do when you have become surrounded by those who seem to be using everything in their arsenal to threaten you, your family, your church or a fellow believer?  This message helps us learn more about the awesome, able and powerful God we serve as we see the hand of the Lord move on His people’s behalf when they cry out to Him through us taking a look at King Hezekiah’s and the Peter’s life storms they had to face.  You also learn about the importance of recognizing the goal of all your enemies is for you to shrink back, or sink into fear, discouragement and despair, but will learn how to stand and not shrink back, trust the Lord and see His mighty hand reach down into your storm and rescue you, keep you and bless you on all sides of your life.
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What do you do when you have become surrounded by those who seem to be using everything in their arsenal to threaten you, your family, your church or a fellow believer?  This message helps us learn more about the awesome, able and powerful God we serve as we see the hand of the Lord move on His people’s behalf when they cry out to Him through us taking a look at King Hezekiah’s and the Peter’s life storms they had to face.  You also learn about the importance of recognizing the goal of all your enemies is for you to shrink back, or sink into fear, discouragement and despair, but will learn how to stand and not shrink back, trust the Lord and see His mighty hand reach down into your storm and rescue you, keep you and bless you on all sides of your life.
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