Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Learning to Hold Fast to What God Has Promised You, No Matter What! A LIFE OF HONOR!

Life has a tendency to throw us curve balls.  When it seems things are going one way, they go another.  When it comes to a word the Lord has given us, a promise of His word, it’s important to learn how to not be thrown off by these curve balls.  In this message you’ll learn how important it is to notice the Lord working in your town, honor Him and His ministers, making a place for the Lord and His ministers in your heart and home. You will see the amazing goodness of God in how He returns in greater measure the blessing and honor you give Him.  In a day where so many seem tied up in “what’s in it for me?”, we learn that if we honor God and make room for Him, He will take care of us in greater ways than we could ever ask or imagine.  We’ll also learn that if He said it, that settles it and how to hold fast to His promises even when in the natural it seems like it’s over.  Remember, Abraham, the father of faith, against all hope, in hope believed and so became the father of many nations and it’s for us, as children of faith, to believe, even against all hope at times, so we to can become all the Lord promised us we would.
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Life has a tendency to throw us curve balls.  When it seems things are going one way, they go another.  When it comes to a word the Lord has given us, a promise of His word, it’s important to learn how to not be thrown off by these curve balls.  In this message you’ll learn how important it is to notice the Lord working in your town, honor Him and His ministers, making a place for the Lord and His ministers in your heart and home. You will see the amazing goodness of God in how He returns in greater measure the blessing and honor you give Him.  In a day where so many seem tied up in “what’s in it for me?”, we learn that if we honor God and make room for Him, He will take care of us in greater ways than we could ever ask or imagine.  We’ll also learn that if He said it, that settles it and how to hold fast to His promises even when in the natural it seems like it’s over.  Remember, Abraham, the father of faith, against all hope, in hope believed and so became the father of many nations and it’s for us, as children of faith, to believe, even against all hope at times, so we to can become all the Lord promised us we would.
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