Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Spiritual Gifts in the Church

Have you ever found yourself doing something that simply comes naturally in your life? You may often wonder why no one else is doing the same, or have the same interest or abilities that you do. For example: Are the homeless always on your mind? Do you wonder why others don’t have the same passion that you do? God may have gifted you in this area. Those areas in our lives that simply come naturally, may be a gift from the Lord.The world may have a continual “stage” in order for a gift to be found, but the Lord has given us gifts for the edification of His Church, and to advance His Kingdom. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations and scenarios that we know nothing about. God may be drawing a gift from within you that you are not even aware is inside of you. In this message you will be deeply encouraged at the many different gifts that the Lord can give us; what it looks like when we use our gifts for the Lord’s purposes; and also, what the tragic outcome can be when we refuse to use our gifts, or use it to promote ourselves
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Have you ever found yourself doing something that simply comes naturally in your life? You may often wonder why no one else is doing the same, or have the same interest or abilities that you do. For example: Are the homeless always on your mind? Do you wonder why others don’t have the same passion that you do? God may have gifted you in this area. Those areas in our lives that simply come naturally, may be a gift from the Lord.The world may have a continual “stage” in order for a gift to be found, but the Lord has given us gifts for the edification of His Church, and to advance His Kingdom. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations and scenarios that we know nothing about. God may be drawing a gift from within you that you are not even aware is inside of you. In this message you will be deeply encouraged at the many different gifts that the Lord can give us; what it looks like when we use our gifts for the Lord’s purposes; and also, what the tragic outcome can be when we refuse to use our gifts, or use it to promote ourselves
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