Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same


What is going on? We see things as we have known them turned on their head. We’re seeing and hearing prophets proclaim, don’t worry, everything is fine; God’s got this, as we see some of their words not coming to pass. If a prophet word doesn’t come to pass, does that mean they are a false prophet, or could it mean something else? Is God going to take His hand off America? Has God changed His mind, or does He ever change His mind? Does it matter what God’s people do? Does God ever regret decisions He makes? If God said He would do something for a nation, is it a done deal? With fear and trembling, Greg Lancaster shared this message to help us discern the times and seasons we are in and what we should do insight of all we’re seeing. This message will give you insight not just for today, but also for your life as it’s a revelation from God’s word, scripture, in how we see the Lord responded to His people in regards to His prophesied good plans for a nation and His people.
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What is going on? We see things as we have known them turned on their head. We’re seeing and hearing prophets proclaim, don’t worry, everything is fine; God’s got this, as we see some of their words not coming to pass. If a prophet word doesn’t come to pass, does that mean they are a false prophet, or could it mean something else? Is God going to take His hand off America? Has God changed His mind, or does He ever change His mind? Does it matter what God’s people do? Does God ever regret decisions He makes? If God said He would do something for a nation, is it a done deal? With fear and trembling, Greg Lancaster shared this message to help us discern the times and seasons we are in and what we should do insight of all we’re seeing. This message will give you insight not just for today, but also for your life as it’s a revelation from God’s word, scripture, in how we see the Lord responded to His people in regards to His prophesied good plans for a nation and His people.
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