Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

God’s Secret Wisdom – Perceiving the Thoughts of God – Battlefield of Your Mind – Part 2

In part 2 we learn, that our mind is a battlefield where God’s thoughts, our thoughts, and satan’s thoughts [fiery darts]  are waging a war, but we also learn how to win the battle FOR OUR MIND.   God’s thoughts are described as Light and if we’re wanting to perceive Light, we can live a life in darkness, with dark thoughts, dark media, dark friends and think we can perceive God’s thoughts toward us.  For the Light shines in the darkness, but those in darkness can’t comprehend it; God’s thoughts.  God speaks in many ways making His thoughts known to man, but as Job wrote “no one can perceive it.”  That was prior to Holy Spirit, God’s Spirit coming to earth and dwelling with and in those who are the Lord’s. Find out how Holy Spirit is the One who makes God’s thoughts known to us, and how He teaches us to discern the thoughts of God.
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In part 2 we learn, that our mind is a battlefield where God’s thoughts, our thoughts, and satan’s thoughts [fiery darts]  are waging a war, but we also learn how to win the battle FOR OUR MIND.   God’s thoughts are described as Light and if we’re wanting to perceive Light, we can live a life in darkness, with dark thoughts, dark media, dark friends and think we can perceive God’s thoughts toward us.  For the Light shines in the darkness, but those in darkness can’t comprehend it; God’s thoughts.  God speaks in many ways making His thoughts known to man, but as Job wrote “no one can perceive it.”  That was prior to Holy Spirit, God’s Spirit coming to earth and dwelling with and in those who are the Lord’s. Find out how Holy Spirit is the One who makes God’s thoughts known to us, and how He teaches us to discern the thoughts of God.
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