Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

God’s Secret Wisdom – Perceiving the Thoughts of God – Virtually Warped – Part 9

They were able to turn someone’s mind upside down. She thought she was going to fall.  Three of them were terrified. Several were so messed up they ran their heads and faces into a wall.  They burned cities down and attacked the police. This message is about a warped mind, a warping that comes through the eyes and ears.  This message will literally open your eyes to understand the power God has created within your eyes, ears, and mind and how they are one.  You’ll see clearly in this message the true understanding of why a person is what they think.  You’ll see what Jesus meant when He told us that our eyes determine what our bodies are full of.  You’ll see how the world and its system have figured out what many who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ have not.   You’ll learn how to make a covenant to assure your mind doesn’t become warped.  Finally, we see how this all has to do with the timing of our Lord’s soon return as we see prophetic scripture, the words of Jesus, telling us this will be a sign of His coming for His people, the Church. That’s right, you’ll see firsthand how close we are to our Lord’s return and what you and Who you can be “LOOKING FOR!
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They were able to turn someone’s mind upside down. She thought she was going to fall.  Three of them were terrified. Several were so messed up they ran their heads and faces into a wall.  They burned cities down and attacked the police. This message is about a warped mind, a warping that comes through the eyes and ears.  This message will literally open your eyes to understand the power God has created within your eyes, ears, and mind and how they are one.  You’ll see clearly in this message the true understanding of why a person is what they think.  You’ll see what Jesus meant when He told us that our eyes determine what our bodies are full of.  You’ll see how the world and its system have figured out what many who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ have not.   You’ll learn how to make a covenant to assure your mind doesn’t become warped.  Finally, we see how this all has to do with the timing of our Lord’s soon return as we see prophetic scripture, the words of Jesus, telling us this will be a sign of His coming for His people, the Church. That’s right, you’ll see firsthand how close we are to our Lord’s return and what you and Who you can be “LOOKING FOR!
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