Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

God’s Secret Wisdom – Perceiving the Thoughts of God – Battle Stance & Tested Thoughts – Part 3

Do you think about what you think about?  This message will show you how vital that is to not lose the battle in your mind and to discern the thoughts of God.  You’ll learn how we’re to take a battle stance against thoughts that are not God’s.  For God has given us divine power to demolish thoughts that are set out to capture us in a prison cell in our mind to cause us to serve sentences.  You learn how you can test a thought to know if it's God’s thought meant to give you life, wisdom, and freedom or a thought of your adversary set to put you in bondage or destroy you.
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Do you think about what you think about?  This message will show you how vital that is to not lose the battle in your mind and to discern the thoughts of God.  You’ll learn how we’re to take a battle stance against thoughts that are not God’s.  For God has given us divine power to demolish thoughts that are set out to capture us in a prison cell in our mind to cause us to serve sentences.  You learn how you can test a thought to know if it's God’s thought meant to give you life, wisdom, and freedom or a thought of your adversary set to put you in bondage or destroy you.
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