Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

God’s Secret Wisdom – Perceiving the Thoughts of God – Transformers – Part 6

Starting off we hear from a former North Korean refugee, now American citizen, Yeonmi Park as she compares present-day United States of America and North Korea to their Wokeism and says that America is worse than North Korea.  This is someone who was a girl at 13 years old who was sex trafficked from North Korea to China to be sold as a sex slave who later encountered Christians in China in the underground church who helped her escape, China.  You will be shocked at her life and what she says about the importance of our thought life and speaking and how they have a direct relationship to authoritarians controlling nations,   followed by learning how God expands His kingdom through our thoughts and words. We will see how caterpillars and butterflies are what scripture uses to describe what God expects of each of us who make him the Lord of our lives.  You’ll get to see how caterpillars go through a metamorphosis and become totally transformed and how it relates to God’s expectation of us.  Be Transformed!!
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Starting off we hear from a former North Korean refugee, now American citizen, Yeonmi Park as she compares present-day United States of America and North Korea to their Wokeism and says that America is worse than North Korea.  This is someone who was a girl at 13 years old who was sex trafficked from North Korea to China to be sold as a sex slave who later encountered Christians in China in the underground church who helped her escape, China.  You will be shocked at her life and what she says about the importance of our thought life and speaking and how they have a direct relationship to authoritarians controlling nations,   followed by learning how God expands His kingdom through our thoughts and words. We will see how caterpillars and butterflies are what scripture uses to describe what God expects of each of us who make him the Lord of our lives.  You’ll get to see how caterpillars go through a metamorphosis and become totally transformed and how it relates to God’s expectation of us.  Be Transformed!!
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