Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

God’s Secret Wisdom – Perceiving the Thoughts of God – Holy Spirit 1.0 – Part 12

At this point in this series, you might be tempted to think the Lord has left you all alone to be able to discern His thoughts and understand His secret wisdom, but let me put you at ease when He ascended to heaven to sit at the Father’s right hand, He then sent Holy Spirit, as our helper and so much more. Though Jesus is in heaven, the Holy Spirit Who searches all things, even the deep things of God, is the One Who reveals Jesus’ thoughts, which are God’s thoughts, to us. In this first message on Holy Spirit 1.0, you will begin to see it is by Holy Spirit’s power that we are transformed in the Glory of God as we behold Jesus. Jesus leads us by Holy Spirit and all who follow the Holy Spirit are sons of God. We will learn how we can start off right in the Holy Spirit but can be tempted to stop following Holy Spirit and begin to do things in our own strength. We learn how we can tell if we’re following Holy Spirit by the fruit we have in our lives and what the fruit of doing so looks like and the benefits. We also learn what the fruit of not walking “in the Spirit” looks like and the consequences. Mentioned in this message is the powerful series on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit entitled The Promise. This series is made available at no cost to you. Jesus told His disciples do not start their ministries yet, first, go and wait for The Promise I shared with you about. John the Baptist baptized you with water, but I will baptize you with fire, with power. In The Promise series, you get a full understanding of why to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, how to be baptized, and many facets of understanding the many dimensions of the Holy Spirit and how to walk humbly, yet in Holy Spirit boldness under Jesus’ leadership.
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At this point in this series, you might be tempted to think the Lord has left you all alone to be able to discern His thoughts and understand His secret wisdom, but let me put you at ease when He ascended to heaven to sit at the Father’s right hand, He then sent Holy Spirit, as our helper and so much more. Though Jesus is in heaven, the Holy Spirit Who searches all things, even the deep things of God, is the One Who reveals Jesus’ thoughts, which are God’s thoughts, to us. In this first message on Holy Spirit 1.0, you will begin to see it is by Holy Spirit’s power that we are transformed in the Glory of God as we behold Jesus. Jesus leads us by Holy Spirit and all who follow the Holy Spirit are sons of God. We will learn how we can start off right in the Holy Spirit but can be tempted to stop following Holy Spirit and begin to do things in our own strength. We learn how we can tell if we’re following Holy Spirit by the fruit we have in our lives and what the fruit of doing so looks like and the benefits. We also learn what the fruit of not walking “in the Spirit” looks like and the consequences. Mentioned in this message is the powerful series on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit entitled The Promise. This series is made available at no cost to you. Jesus told His disciples do not start their ministries yet, first, go and wait for The Promise I shared with you about. John the Baptist baptized you with water, but I will baptize you with fire, with power. In The Promise series, you get a full understanding of why to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, how to be baptized, and many facets of understanding the many dimensions of the Holy Spirit and how to walk humbly, yet in Holy Spirit boldness under Jesus’ leadership.
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