Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Blessed to be a Blessing, Secrets to the Kingdom for Increase

Imagine it’s your 80th Birthday, you are invited to a surprise birthday party.  When you walk into the surprise party, there is a microphone and you are asked to stand up and share how your life made a significant impact on others. What would you say? Would you have spent your life on impacting others, or only advancing yourself? The culture of this world defines success as achieving more for one’s self. But, true success begins when we move our life from seeking to achieve success to using our success for significance.  God has hopes and plans for you. He desires to bless you. He even has a future for you.  His blessings are not for us to hoard what we have been given for only ourselves, but so that we can bless others as well.  How we impact others is what will make our lives significant. In this message you will learn some ‘secrets of the Kingdom of God’ Kingdom Secrets that show you how you can have increase and blessings in your life. Have you experienced ‘drought’ in your life? Do you want to know how God views finances? You will be challenged in this message as you see the difference between a ‘giving’ person and a ‘generous’ person. If you’re an American, you may not know it, or realize it, but YOU ARE RICH! After this message, you won’t look at promotions, problems, blessings, or the restaurant industry, the same again! A paradigm shift will surely come and if you apply these ‘Secrets to the Kingdom’ in your life, you’ll have much to say, on your that 80th birthday!
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Imagine it’s your 80th Birthday, you are invited to a surprise birthday party.  When you walk into the surprise party, there is a microphone and you are asked to stand up and share how your life made a significant impact on others. What would you say? Would you have spent your life on impacting others, or only advancing yourself? The culture of this world defines success as achieving more for one’s self. But, true success begins when we move our life from seeking to achieve success to using our success for significance.  God has hopes and plans for you. He desires to bless you. He even has a future for you.  His blessings are not for us to hoard what we have been given for only ourselves, but so that we can bless others as well.  How we impact others is what will make our lives significant. In this message you will learn some ‘secrets of the Kingdom of God’ Kingdom Secrets that show you how you can have increase and blessings in your life. Have you experienced ‘drought’ in your life? Do you want to know how God views finances? You will be challenged in this message as you see the difference between a ‘giving’ person and a ‘generous’ person. If you’re an American, you may not know it, or realize it, but YOU ARE RICH! After this message, you won’t look at promotions, problems, blessings, or the restaurant industry, the same again! A paradigm shift will surely come and if you apply these ‘Secrets to the Kingdom’ in your life, you’ll have much to say, on your that 80th birthday!
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