Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Have you ever heard of a parent, a father or mother, share with their children a good plan they had in mind for them; maybe a vacation, or a special trip, gift, or school that they are planning for them?  Then one day, though these plans for this great event was well explained and shared because of the bad behavior and stubbornness of their children, they change their mind?  They say, “Forget it, I don’t care what I told you.  You’ve taken this thing way too far.  Who do you think you are?  It’s over! All the plans I said you would have, won’t happen!”  Did you know Father God can get to this same point with His children?  God may be telling you of a great plan for you, your family, your business, your ministry, your nation.  He may be sharing in detail just how good the future is going to be. For He has good plans in store for those who are His.  But if we become unruly, stop listening to Him, become stubborn He can suddenly say, “It’s over! Never mind the plans I intended for you.  I’m going to start over again with other people, nations, business, ministry.  I don’t care what I told you, it’s over.”  It’s important to Return to God, before that moment comes for you or your nation.  The church in the world, in America has gone astray and the Lord is calling us to return to Him, before He decides to end the future plans for America.  We must not miss this warning sign! God is giving us time to return to Him.
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Have you ever heard of a parent, a father or mother, share with their children a good plan they had in mind for them; maybe a vacation, or a special trip, gift, or school that they are planning for them?  Then one day, though these plans for this great event was well explained and shared because of the bad behavior and stubbornness of their children, they change their mind?  They say, “Forget it, I don’t care what I told you.  You’ve taken this thing way too far.  Who do you think you are?  It’s over! All the plans I said you would have, won’t happen!”  Did you know Father God can get to this same point with His children?  God may be telling you of a great plan for you, your family, your business, your ministry, your nation.  He may be sharing in detail just how good the future is going to be. For He has good plans in store for those who are His.  But if we become unruly, stop listening to Him, become stubborn He can suddenly say, “It’s over! Never mind the plans I intended for you.  I’m going to start over again with other people, nations, business, ministry.  I don’t care what I told you, it’s over.”  It’s important to Return to God, before that moment comes for you or your nation.  The church in the world, in America has gone astray and the Lord is calling us to return to Him, before He decides to end the future plans for America.  We must not miss this warning sign! God is giving us time to return to Him.
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