Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same


Global warming is being taught seems like everywhere, yet do we even hear anyone teaching about the voice of God?  This message surprisingly shows many ways the Lord does and is speaking, even what God says about Global Warming or is Global Warming the voice of God?  In this message you will be encouraged and challenged to listen more carefully to the voice of the Lord. You will also learn how loving and merciful God is showing His mercy even to man’s last breath on earth.  Finally, you discover the answer to the question, is there such a thing as Global Warming and does the Bible say anything about it?
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Global warming is being taught seems like everywhere, yet do we even hear anyone teaching about the voice of God?  This message surprisingly shows many ways the Lord does and is speaking, even what God says about Global Warming or is Global Warming the voice of God?  In this message you will be encouraged and challenged to listen more carefully to the voice of the Lord. You will also learn how loving and merciful God is showing His mercy even to man’s last breath on earth.  Finally, you discover the answer to the question, is there such a thing as Global Warming and does the Bible say anything about it?
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