Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

The Backstory of the Greatest Love Story Ever Told

When we meet people in our lives, we meet who they are as a person today. They meet who we are as an individual today. We often forget that each of us have our own backstory. Regardless of what our backstories are, when we choose to be in a relationship, it is just that, a choice. That is the empowering reality of a relationship, the other person is choosing to be with us; each and every day. Did you know that before Jesus Christ came to the Earth, there was a backstory between God and man? Only moments after God began a relationship with mankind, man fell in the garden. For the next 4,000 years God shared His heart revealing and introducing Himself to mankind. It was in this 4,000 year journey that mankind had to learn the important reality of sin. Generation after generation, sin after sin, fall after fall, God continually extends His hand out for relationship. If we do not know why God created us in the first place, we will not understand why He came in the flesh, as Jesus Christ. When we truly understand the backstory of time, from the first day of Creation, we will equipped to better understand the ground breaking miracle of Jesus Christ, God in the flesh. Don’t allow another day to pass you by with the same understanding of this season; or the seemingly trivial events that people celebrate, or don’t celebrate. This is not just a time to celebrate Christmas, but to remember that CHRISTmas is what it’s all about.
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When we meet people in our lives, we meet who they are as a person today. They meet who we are as an individual today. We often forget that each of us have our own backstory. Regardless of what our backstories are, when we choose to be in a relationship, it is just that, a choice. That is the empowering reality of a relationship, the other person is choosing to be with us; each and every day. Did you know that before Jesus Christ came to the Earth, there was a backstory between God and man? Only moments after God began a relationship with mankind, man fell in the garden. For the next 4,000 years God shared His heart revealing and introducing Himself to mankind. It was in this 4,000 year journey that mankind had to learn the important reality of sin. Generation after generation, sin after sin, fall after fall, God continually extends His hand out for relationship. If we do not know why God created us in the first place, we will not understand why He came in the flesh, as Jesus Christ. When we truly understand the backstory of time, from the first day of Creation, we will equipped to better understand the ground breaking miracle of Jesus Christ, God in the flesh. Don’t allow another day to pass you by with the same understanding of this season; or the seemingly trivial events that people celebrate, or don’t celebrate. This is not just a time to celebrate Christmas, but to remember that CHRISTmas is what it’s all about.
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