Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

FIGHT! Lights, Camera, ACTION!

You are going to be encouraged through this message in how to win in the battles; fights of life. When we think of fighting, often it’s in a sport or possibly with another person over a dispute. The truth is there is another fight seldom spoken of that all who want to succeed in life are fighting. I know of all the things that the apostle Paul wrote his spiritual son, Timothy, was telling him to FIGHT! Good things, good causes, even God causes require us to fight. It’s not easy for a farmer to bring a harvest in, but he or she must fight to get the land, sow the seed, tend the crop and finally bring in a harvest. It’s no different than fighting for your success. Discover how one of the vital fights we all have to fight who want to succeed and to be fruitful in their life. Freedom is free, as many men and women over the years fought for us to have this freedom, the freedom we have in Christ Jesus came with His fight in the garden of Gethsemane and the cross for us to have the freedom we have in Christ Jesus. The question is, what will others have because you choose to fight the good fight of faith?
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You are going to be encouraged through this message in how to win in the battles; fights of life. When we think of fighting, often it’s in a sport or possibly with another person over a dispute. The truth is there is another fight seldom spoken of that all who want to succeed in life are fighting. I know of all the things that the apostle Paul wrote his spiritual son, Timothy, was telling him to FIGHT! Good things, good causes, even God causes require us to fight. It’s not easy for a farmer to bring a harvest in, but he or she must fight to get the land, sow the seed, tend the crop and finally bring in a harvest. It’s no different than fighting for your success. Discover how one of the vital fights we all have to fight who want to succeed and to be fruitful in their life. Freedom is free, as many men and women over the years fought for us to have this freedom, the freedom we have in Christ Jesus came with His fight in the garden of Gethsemane and the cross for us to have the freedom we have in Christ Jesus. The question is, what will others have because you choose to fight the good fight of faith?
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