Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Holiness and Examining One’s Faith – What does this mean and does it even matter?

Holiness has become a foreign word in the conversations of those who profess to be Christians and from the mouths of teachers and preachers around America.  In this message we’ll begin to do what we’re told to do in the word of God which is to “Examine Ourselves” and see if we’re in the faith.  Does holiness really matter, what is it?  What does God expect from those who are His?  How do we actually transform a nation?  Is making righteous laws the way we change America?  America is not a theocracy, yet we find ourselves at times responding to its citizens as if it were. What does God expect from Christians who do live in America who are Christian citizens?  We see Christians telling America how marriage is supposed to be, but what does God say to us, His Church, about how Christian marriage is supposed to be?  Christian families, Christian employees and employers?  This message will help you decide clearly between the expectations of our Lord and those of the world.  Our God is so good, He makes every attempt to warn us and bring us to a place to accept Him as Lord, His forgiveness and His teachings as our way of life; holiness.  You don’t want to miss this message and you’ll want to share it with all those you love who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ.
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Holiness has become a foreign word in the conversations of those who profess to be Christians and from the mouths of teachers and preachers around America.  In this message we’ll begin to do what we’re told to do in the word of God which is to “Examine Ourselves” and see if we’re in the faith.  Does holiness really matter, what is it?  What does God expect from those who are His?  How do we actually transform a nation?  Is making righteous laws the way we change America?  America is not a theocracy, yet we find ourselves at times responding to its citizens as if it were. What does God expect from Christians who do live in America who are Christian citizens?  We see Christians telling America how marriage is supposed to be, but what does God say to us, His Church, about how Christian marriage is supposed to be?  Christian families, Christian employees and employers?  This message will help you decide clearly between the expectations of our Lord and those of the world.  Our God is so good, He makes every attempt to warn us and bring us to a place to accept Him as Lord, His forgiveness and His teachings as our way of life; holiness.  You don’t want to miss this message and you’ll want to share it with all those you love who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ.
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