Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Journey of Transformation to Christ Likeness

There is nothing more beautiful than to watch the birth of a new born child that enters into this world because of the miracle of life the Lord gives each of us.  There is nothing more tragic and disturbing than to see someone harm, abuse, neglect or mislead this new vulnerable baby.  Even those who walk in darkness know to respond with empathy at such tragedies.  Did you know that when you or someone becomes a believer, making this awesome choice to accept Jesus as the Lord of their life, they too are “born”, they are “born again?”  Although they were once born of their mother, they are now born of the spirit and starting a new journey similar to that of their natural birth.   Just as beautiful as it was for the natural birth, it is a beautiful thing to watch someone’s first steps in the Lord.  Yet, just like the natural child, they are vulnerable to be harmed, abused, neglected or misled.  It is important for the church, fellow believers, disciples of Jesus, to gather around the new believer, watch over them and encourage them on their journey, celebrate their achievements and help them until they get their roots down and fruit up.   There are many false Christians, ministers and prophets (those who say they are of the Lord, or hearing from the Lord) who try to mislead God’s people to follow after them, especially those who are newly born.  Paul speaks of these people, as being held captive by satan to do his will, whose desire is to devour, to cause them to follow them, instead of follow Jesus Christ.  One way, we can be sure we’re on the right path, is to stay continually on the journey to becoming more Christ-like and to fellowship with those who are on the same path. This message will make all these realities crystal clear to you and help you understand the right path and how to be aware of those who try to lead you or others off the right path.
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There is nothing more beautiful than to watch the birth of a new born child that enters into this world because of the miracle of life the Lord gives each of us.  There is nothing more tragic and disturbing than to see someone harm, abuse, neglect or mislead this new vulnerable baby.  Even those who walk in darkness know to respond with empathy at such tragedies.  Did you know that when you or someone becomes a believer, making this awesome choice to accept Jesus as the Lord of their life, they too are “born”, they are “born again?”  Although they were once born of their mother, they are now born of the spirit and starting a new journey similar to that of their natural birth.   Just as beautiful as it was for the natural birth, it is a beautiful thing to watch someone’s first steps in the Lord.  Yet, just like the natural child, they are vulnerable to be harmed, abused, neglected or misled.  It is important for the church, fellow believers, disciples of Jesus, to gather around the new believer, watch over them and encourage them on their journey, celebrate their achievements and help them until they get their roots down and fruit up.   There are many false Christians, ministers and prophets (those who say they are of the Lord, or hearing from the Lord) who try to mislead God’s people to follow after them, especially those who are newly born.  Paul speaks of these people, as being held captive by satan to do his will, whose desire is to devour, to cause them to follow them, instead of follow Jesus Christ.  One way, we can be sure we’re on the right path, is to stay continually on the journey to becoming more Christ-like and to fellowship with those who are on the same path. This message will make all these realities crystal clear to you and help you understand the right path and how to be aware of those who try to lead you or others off the right path.
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