Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

KOINONIA! The Strengthening, Encouraging & Comforting the Church

Could you imagine coming to fellowship with other believers, or to fellowship with your Church family and you are encouraged, strengthened and comforted each time and not just "informed"?  Well that is God's plan for you every time you fellowship with other believers, or your church fellowship. This message looks at the "secret" of the first season of the Church and how they were successful, even in the midst of great persecution.  Of course, the scriptures tell us what the "secret" is; koinonia, but what is koinonia?  Once you've experienced true koinonia, religion will never satisfy you again, not that it ever could. You might know the Lord loves you and has saved you, but do you know that He wants to be with you in your time of fellowship with the Church?  We know we're told by scripture, where two or more are gathered in His name, He is there with them; us, but do we embrace this reality? This understanding of koinonia will help you begin to embrace this awesome reality. This is the epi-center of our focus with Vine Fellowship Network and "our why" and "our how" as we seek to live as the church the Lord has called us to be.
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Could you imagine coming to fellowship with other believers, or to fellowship with your Church family and you are encouraged, strengthened and comforted each time and not just "informed"?  Well that is God's plan for you every time you fellowship with other believers, or your church fellowship. This message looks at the "secret" of the first season of the Church and how they were successful, even in the midst of great persecution.  Of course, the scriptures tell us what the "secret" is; koinonia, but what is koinonia?  Once you've experienced true koinonia, religion will never satisfy you again, not that it ever could. You might know the Lord loves you and has saved you, but do you know that He wants to be with you in your time of fellowship with the Church?  We know we're told by scripture, where two or more are gathered in His name, He is there with them; us, but do we embrace this reality? This understanding of koinonia will help you begin to embrace this awesome reality. This is the epi-center of our focus with Vine Fellowship Network and "our why" and "our how" as we seek to live as the church the Lord has called us to be.
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