Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Promotion Comes from the Lord; Through the Gift He has Given you

This message begins with Greg Lancaster sharing about a prophetic encounter he was given by the Lord about those the Lord is preparing to promote who have His heart.  In a culture that is filled with self-promotion and constant dissatisfaction no matter how good they have it, it’s important to remember 1) God has not changed 2) All promotion comes from the Lord 3) Gifts make room for you 4) Not only does God promote, He also demotes.  This message is about Israel and their leadership crisis and how God moved heaven and earth to promote one man who has His heart (a man after God’s heart).  You’ll be blessed, inspired, humbled and encouraged in this message of truth about the realities of promotion, the blessings of family, the importance of humility and gratitude and once again returning to family and enjoying the blessings of family.
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This message begins with Greg Lancaster sharing about a prophetic encounter he was given by the Lord about those the Lord is preparing to promote who have His heart.  In a culture that is filled with self-promotion and constant dissatisfaction no matter how good they have it, it’s important to remember 1) God has not changed 2) All promotion comes from the Lord 3) Gifts make room for you 4) Not only does God promote, He also demotes.  This message is about Israel and their leadership crisis and how God moved heaven and earth to promote one man who has His heart (a man after God’s heart).  You’ll be blessed, inspired, humbled and encouraged in this message of truth about the realities of promotion, the blessings of family, the importance of humility and gratitude and once again returning to family and enjoying the blessings of family.
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