Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Slip Sliding Away; The Battle Between Light and Darkness

There was a song by Simon and Garfunkel in 1975 that was called Slip Sliding Away.  It spoke of the nearer he got to his destination the more he was slip sliding away.  There is a battle going on that is between the Light and the darkness and if we’re not aware of this, or don’t take it serious, we too can end up slip sliding into darkness, though we’re near our destination our breakthrough.  Jesus is the Light and came to bring us into the Light, that life being eternal life in Him.  Yet, there are those who love the darkness, who are prophets of darkness, trying to draw those who walk in the light to their ways.  This message gives you great insight and shows you though we might have great plans to stay in the Light, we still should remain humble, aware and willing to walk away from those who love darkness; we should love them and hope for them, but when they’ve made their mind up to live in darkness, you’ll find your relationship will be strained and eventually they’ll walk away.  You’ll also learn that it’s unwise to turn down your light to make others comfortable and how dangerous that is as your light may end up going out.  Grow in wisdom as children of the Light and learn the importance and the meaning of walking in the light.  Remember, Jesus tells us in Matthew 6, our eyes are the light of the body, when they are dark, we’re dark, when they are light, we’re light.  In this teaching, you’ll learn the importance of keeping your eyes from darkness.
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There was a song by Simon and Garfunkel in 1975 that was called Slip Sliding Away.  It spoke of the nearer he got to his destination the more he was slip sliding away.  There is a battle going on that is between the Light and the darkness and if we’re not aware of this, or don’t take it serious, we too can end up slip sliding into darkness, though we’re near our destination our breakthrough.  Jesus is the Light and came to bring us into the Light, that life being eternal life in Him.  Yet, there are those who love the darkness, who are prophets of darkness, trying to draw those who walk in the light to their ways.  This message gives you great insight and shows you though we might have great plans to stay in the Light, we still should remain humble, aware and willing to walk away from those who love darkness; we should love them and hope for them, but when they’ve made their mind up to live in darkness, you’ll find your relationship will be strained and eventually they’ll walk away.  You’ll also learn that it’s unwise to turn down your light to make others comfortable and how dangerous that is as your light may end up going out.  Grow in wisdom as children of the Light and learn the importance and the meaning of walking in the light.  Remember, Jesus tells us in Matthew 6, our eyes are the light of the body, when they are dark, we’re dark, when they are light, we’re light.  In this teaching, you’ll learn the importance of keeping your eyes from darkness.
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