Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

“When You Fast,” Jesus. God Does Not Turn away from the Humble. Including Practical Steps for Fasting

Jesus said, “When you pray” and “when you fast” as if there was no option to those who follow Him because really there isn’t.   Prayer has been turned into, in many people’s minds, as a religious “thing” when in reality it is just talking to God and listening to what He says to you in His word or in other ways.  One statistic says eighty percent of pastors surveyed spend less than fifteen minutes a day in prayer. If pastors are struggling with the issue of prayer, fasting has to be almost completely absent in much of the body of Christ.  Fasting is not a religious act, but a way the Lord has laid out for His people, you and I, to draw closer to Him, be forgiven and set free from bondages and hindrances.  He tells us that ‘If we humble ourselves (which means fasting) and pray, and turn from our evil ways, He hears our prayers, forgives our sins and heals our land.’  Yet, there are many people who see fasting or fast for totally different reasons and ways that have no benefits and where God is not listening and not planning to respond to them.   Find out in this teaching the right way to fast along with learning some practical ways to prepare for a fast.   I believe you are taking the first step in drawing closer to the Lord than ever before and I bless you on this journey and say in doing so may the Lord be your rear guard and your light shine like the morning dawn and if you need a healing that your healing would come quickly.
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Jesus said, “When you pray” and “when you fast” as if there was no option to those who follow Him because really there isn’t.   Prayer has been turned into, in many people’s minds, as a religious “thing” when in reality it is just talking to God and listening to what He says to you in His word or in other ways.  One statistic says eighty percent of pastors surveyed spend less than fifteen minutes a day in prayer. If pastors are struggling with the issue of prayer, fasting has to be almost completely absent in much of the body of Christ.  Fasting is not a religious act, but a way the Lord has laid out for His people, you and I, to draw closer to Him, be forgiven and set free from bondages and hindrances.  He tells us that ‘If we humble ourselves (which means fasting) and pray, and turn from our evil ways, He hears our prayers, forgives our sins and heals our land.’  Yet, there are many people who see fasting or fast for totally different reasons and ways that have no benefits and where God is not listening and not planning to respond to them.   Find out in this teaching the right way to fast along with learning some practical ways to prepare for a fast.   I believe you are taking the first step in drawing closer to the Lord than ever before and I bless you on this journey and say in doing so may the Lord be your rear guard and your light shine like the morning dawn and if you need a healing that your healing would come quickly.
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