Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

God’s ways are above our ways. His thoughts are above our thoughts. God is not surprised, nor is He concerned about the present realities within our nation or our world. God is going to bring about His plan and His purposes. Amos 3:7 reveals, “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.” Dutch Sheets has labored for many years praying and interceding for America, and the Lord has spoken to him some of the things of what He is about to do in our generation. In this timely and encouraging message, Dutch Sheets expands on some of the interactions he has had with the Lord, and what he has been shown. Sheets shares profoundly inspiring words, just as he was told from heaven. In one particular encounter, an angel declares, “ALL RISE! THIS IS THE VERDICT! IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!” In another, Sheets details the encounter of how God is giving mercy to America once again. Do not be limited in your understanding of what God is doing in this nation, and upon the Earth, by only listening to the voice of others. Hearken your ears to hear what heaven is declaring and what the Father has said. This message is sure to lift your spirits. Don’t miss it!
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God’s ways are above our ways. His thoughts are above our thoughts. God is not surprised, nor is He concerned about the present realities within our nation or our world. God is going to bring about His plan and His purposes. Amos 3:7 reveals, “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.” Dutch Sheets has labored for many years praying and interceding for America, and the Lord has spoken to him some of the things of what He is about to do in our generation. In this timely and encouraging message, Dutch Sheets expands on some of the interactions he has had with the Lord, and what he has been shown. Sheets shares profoundly inspiring words, just as he was told from heaven. In one particular encounter, an angel declares, “ALL RISE! THIS IS THE VERDICT! IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!” In another, Sheets details the encounter of how God is giving mercy to America once again. Do not be limited in your understanding of what God is doing in this nation, and upon the Earth, by only listening to the voice of others. Hearken your ears to hear what heaven is declaring and what the Father has said. This message is sure to lift your spirits. Don’t miss it!
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