Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Justice Produces an Open Heaven – Dealing With the Sins of the Land and Sins of our Fathers

Seldom does it cross our minds that our economy, environment and relationships could be suffering because of a closed heaven due to the sins of those who were leaders from our past.  Especially if you and others didn’t agree with their leadership.  Yet, in this teaching you’ll discover this was the case with Israel as they were suffering an economic crash caused by a three year drought.  When you are in an agricultural society (you grow your own food to live and feed your own live stock) a famine in the land caused by a closed heaven is just that, an economic crash.  You’ll learn the importance of living your life in such a way that even those who suffered from former leadership would want to reach out and bless you and how that will be the key to opening up the heavens to break the drought in your land, life and relationships.  You’ll be amazed and grow in understanding of why God chose David as a man after His own heart to lead His people and be in the lineage of Jesus.   If you are tired of living in a drought in your life, your community, or your nation this teaching will give you step by step wisdom to break open the heavens.
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Seldom does it cross our minds that our economy, environment and relationships could be suffering because of a closed heaven due to the sins of those who were leaders from our past.  Especially if you and others didn’t agree with their leadership.  Yet, in this teaching you’ll discover this was the case with Israel as they were suffering an economic crash caused by a three year drought.  When you are in an agricultural society (you grow your own food to live and feed your own live stock) a famine in the land caused by a closed heaven is just that, an economic crash.  You’ll learn the importance of living your life in such a way that even those who suffered from former leadership would want to reach out and bless you and how that will be the key to opening up the heavens to break the drought in your land, life and relationships.  You’ll be amazed and grow in understanding of why God chose David as a man after His own heart to lead His people and be in the lineage of Jesus.   If you are tired of living in a drought in your life, your community, or your nation this teaching will give you step by step wisdom to break open the heavens.
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