Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Open Doors & Empty Houses

Could you imagine God keeping those who are His in the dark when it comes to the Light of His Word and expect us to “feel our way around” our life, tripping over all the many obstacles that are before everyone who is in the dark and doesn’t have any light to see.  Good news, this is not what God did.  He sent His Son, Jesus, the Light of the World, into the world to show us the way in this dark world.  In this teaching you’ll see how Jesus explained in detail about the light He gave us, the importance of and reason why He expects us to be His disciple and how our adversary fights against us and what weapons the Lord has given us to defeat our enemies, plans to harm, oppress and control us.   You’ll discover, as someone does with their own house, the importance of keeping your house full of God’s truth and your doors to your house closed so that your enemy satan, can’t come and go in our life as he so desires. This teaching will give insight on the importance of getting on and staying on the Emmaus Road and the importance of encouraging others to do the same.  Jesus has called us to make disciples of the nations and it’s disciples that make disciples.  With the wisdom the Lord has given us with the Emmaus Road, we are all working together to meet the heart’s desire of our Lord; making and encouraging disciples of Jesus.  There are many ways the Lord has given different streams of His body to encourage and make disciples and this is the wisdom the Lord has revealed to us in Vine Fellowship Network, VFN.
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Could you imagine God keeping those who are His in the dark when it comes to the Light of His Word and expect us to “feel our way around” our life, tripping over all the many obstacles that are before everyone who is in the dark and doesn’t have any light to see.  Good news, this is not what God did.  He sent His Son, Jesus, the Light of the World, into the world to show us the way in this dark world.  In this teaching you’ll see how Jesus explained in detail about the light He gave us, the importance of and reason why He expects us to be His disciple and how our adversary fights against us and what weapons the Lord has given us to defeat our enemies, plans to harm, oppress and control us.   You’ll discover, as someone does with their own house, the importance of keeping your house full of God’s truth and your doors to your house closed so that your enemy satan, can’t come and go in our life as he so desires. This teaching will give insight on the importance of getting on and staying on the Emmaus Road and the importance of encouraging others to do the same.  Jesus has called us to make disciples of the nations and it’s disciples that make disciples.  With the wisdom the Lord has given us with the Emmaus Road, we are all working together to meet the heart’s desire of our Lord; making and encouraging disciples of Jesus.  There are many ways the Lord has given different streams of His body to encourage and make disciples and this is the wisdom the Lord has revealed to us in Vine Fellowship Network, VFN.
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