HUMOR: Flip Flops and Snakes Don’t Mix
For those of us who don’t have snakes as a pet, walking up on a snake while wearing flip flops as you are about to get into your car is

HUMOR: Will Juror #6 Please Stand Up? Judge Stops Trial
When many of us receive that notice in the mail that we are being summoned to serve on jury duty, many people are not looking forward to it. Did you

Are You Ready to Get the Hell Out of Your House? How to Dedicate Your House to God.
We are entering some dark times, probably the darkest days that the Earth as ever seen. What we are presently seeing in the world today is only going to increase

Does God See Me; Does He Even Care; Do I Have a Future? What is God’s Plan for My Life?
Our world all around us is shaking. The things that many are looking to, are crumbling all around them. When this happens, it causes us to look up, and look

HUMOR: Unboxing a Built Bar; A Candy Bar? RIGHT!
Glenn Beck has been known as a man to be defender of truth and helping the nation understand so many of the events that are taking place in our world

The Siege of America | Angel Warns America! Will Your State Burn?
The 24-hour news cycle in our generation keeps us continually reminded of the events that are happening around the world. Nations like Russia and China appear to be taking over

IT’S GOD’S TURN! How God Brings to Pass His Leadership in your Nation and Life part 2
We are seeing the nation of America experiencing some tumultuous times; and it is only going to increase. The question is: is this the first time that a nation has

HUMOR: Puppy Dog Takes Down a Marine
Everybody loves little puppies. When deciding to get a puppy, many think of toys and playing. Steve decided to join the many wonderful pet owners and got a puppy for

HUMOR: Is His Wife Trying to Cash in on a life insurance policy?
Greg had a productive moment recently when he was working hard cleaning his gutters on his home. After scaling a ladder, he was 14 feet in the air, and could

PROPHECY! God Has Pastors On Ice! God is Raising Up Pastors With His Heart to Lead His People
We are all experiencing interesting days in our world today. The question is: where is the Church? What we “call the church”, is that what God considers the Church? Zechariah

IT’S GOD’S TURN! How God Brings to Pass His Leadership in your Nation and Life Part 1
We are living in a time craziness and witnessing things happening in our nation that is making many simply shake their heads in disbelief. While looking at these realities, it

HUMOR: Ever Found a Python Snake Wrapped Around Your Toilet?
We’ve all been there, waking up in the early morning, crawling out of bed, half asleep and carrying out our morning routine. For one University of West Florida student, his