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Home » IT’S GOD’S TURN! How God Brings to Pass His Leadership in your Nation and Life part 2

IT’S GOD’S TURN! How God Brings to Pass His Leadership in your Nation and Life part 2


We are seeing the nation of America experiencing some tumultuous times; and it is only going to increase. The question is: is this the first time that a nation has experienced crisis among its leadership? By following the life of David, we can see the lengths that God is willing to go to bring about His choice of established leadership. David was God’s choice of leadership to be over God’s people. When God says something, we have to believe Him, but there is a process. We don’t just GET a David. Getting a David takes process. It takes time. The details, all the things that have to work together and transpire in order for God’s leadership to be established. We all have a part to play, and must exercise our free will to decide to follow God’s plan. Are we waiting on God, or is God waiting on His people to believe Him for His plan to come to pass? We have to understand the process of how God raises up true shepherds as leadership over His people with His heart.  

Why is it important to understand these Biblical truths? It is not the first time that there is ungodly leadership over an entire nation. By looking at what has taken place in the past, we can be encouraged in the days that we are experiencing today. In this encouraging message, you’ll also hear the deeply heartfelt prophetic word of how God is responding in this present day with His own leadership that He is raising up.  



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