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A Call to Prepare: Navigating Prophetic Shifts, Authority, and Awakening in a Changing World


“I do not want to say what is not the platform to say certain things and I want to be careful and how like that is sent this word. But the Lord said that we have been in a seven-year time period of preparation. And we have been being compared and even the word you spoke last night and what apostle Pam spoke today, some things just go over our head. But God is trying to prepare us. He is trying to prepare us and help us understand the strategic time period we’re in to get dressed and equipped properly for what’s ahead and many are not dressed and prepared. And so, what we are seeing and what he spoke to me that this is going to take us because of the regulatory rounds we are if we are prophesying. That is already here. Then you are not a prophet. You are prophesying because you have the ability to see what has not come yet. And when we are speaking, we are speaking out of the eternal round. Causing what is in the now to recognize what is an eternity that it. Has to open. And so, what I understand that God is saying is that in this seven-year time period of preparation, he began to speak to me and he said, I need you to. Mark two time. Periods of the. Earth and he spoke to me about the year 20. Thirty and you spoke to me about the year 2050, and he began to speak to me about the time period of shifts, the chronology of time, and what is unfolding in this time period. And he said, tell the people that they ought to prepare themselves.

Lessons from Living in Israel 

Now I live in their school for four years when I lived in Israel for four years, we had a bomb shelter room. At every house. In other words, the people in Israel were always prepared for any moment, something. Could break out. And what we do not understand is that God is trying to insulate and get our lives in a place of fireproof. What is coming was not marked against the righteous, but God is trying to prepare the righteous. Those of us that are called by God at this time period to be the light bearers that he’s trying to draw you into a place called. The Arthur Covenant. He is saying get into the heart. God is saying the safest place for us is going to be in the ark, he says. Go back and get your covenant credentials in order. Get your heart in order. Get your mind in order. 

The Warning of an Asteroid 

And so, he has been speaking about to me. He told me that an asteroid was being released and he spoke to me, and he said an asteroid because the earth has been. Axis the earth has been pulling as a gravitational pull of darkness that has been pulling the Earth out of the sweet spot. God sent it, and when he sat the earth on the sweet spot, he. Put people to. Govern over the earth and he says what is happening. We have gotten out of the algorithm of heaven. We have lost the frequency and the original. Sound voice of God. And so, everything in the earth is chaotic and out of order because God is bringing us back into oneness. And our style must become so that we are able to synchronize our minds to synchronize our gifts, synchronize our delegated authority, that, when we speak everything in the earth and recognize it’s not us that’s speaking, but it’s the same ancient voice that spoke and created everything because we are in this, Oh my God, we’re in rhythm. We are in oneness with heaven. We do not break ranks. We say exactly what he said, but he begins to speak to me that we are going to find ourselves in dangerous places in the. Days that come just give. Me a moment to download. 

Facing the Coming Darkness 

Because he said to me as his asteroid was coming and it sounds crazy. And I have been sitting saying, God, to whom would you tell these words? Because we are in a place where we are so emotionally stirred that when we say anything that do not make you feel like or look good, another giving, we get in trouble. The tax come because it does not feel good. That you look good. But I am telling you everything God said is. For us. And so, he says as we prepare ourselves for what is happening, the climatical shifts our wars that are happening in the galaxies and in the cosmos, he says. These are nations that God has already set through judgment. Some nations will no longer remain. And he began to speak to me, he said, even as the Angels fell, a third fell 1/3 of the Earth would be in trouble. And he said to me this, he says the darkness that is coming,  

The Mantle of Authority 

he said, tell the agents of light to get on their gates. Get on their doorposts begin to apply the sound of glory over your nation over your region, over your city. That is why you have a mantle. You have a mantle to operate, an authority and release out of a mantle. What God is saying out of the heavens that the earth will recognize as steel mantles on the earth. Man, to support the earth. You are for eternity and God is and pick up the mantle and God again. So let me go here and finish because he said to him, he is to me. He said that when we do not have the light that is registering to the registering back to the frequency and the speed of glory, darkness and what he has been trying to do to us. If you can stay with me. He has been trying to get you to a place that you are no longer emotionally crippled. The everything is hitting and triggering. Emotional stuff in your life that every time you get ready to ascend, here is another trigger, and he is triggering you because he recognized your soul and you are going to hear me he’s talking about. Is connected to the office because the Shalom, the peace of your soul, and he is saying when there is when we really get in trouble and we are seeing that the earth is changing, the words spoke to me, he said. I am reframing your world; he says many of us have framed our world and we sat in a safe place trying to prevent. Trains from travel. Bring us and he says I am troubling everything that can be troubled. I am shaking everything that can be shaken because you created a world that I did that big for you. Not said. I am telling you; I am taking the frame world that you created. And I am teaching you the power of the glory. I am teaching you the power of the Kingdom that you would get into the world. But I feel, Oh my God. And say you can shrink the world out of the world, and when you begin to speak the word of God is going to create out of you what you need. What God said, what God ordained, he said. You profess out to your future, and that is what you are going to see. Do not say what you see. Say what he said and play with the world because he is breaking down the world that was reframed through emotional crippling disease. Oh my God. Do not be Jesus. Not all about the heal. My people in this hour. He said. Don’t you run from fear? Oh my God, he said because I am building your faith that you will overtake. The fears of your soul, he said. I am healing the souls in this hour and what he said to me, even through the emotional crippling tank we are feeling right now because he’s cleansing souls. 

The Wealth Transfer and Spiritual Awakening 

And he said to me, he said the enemy recognized the wealth transfer. OH yes yeah, go go. What is happening is that God is changing, everything is changing hands. He recognizes that he is raising up New Kingdom ambassadors, he recognizes, always. Somebody could hear me, he recognize. What is your name? Not divine of poverty is being summoned to the. And what he is doing because he does not. He is going back to your childhood when you were seven and when you got saved, you sat in the church cause you have never done with your soul. Oh Lord. The enemy is trying to trigger you and make you not believe in the memory of your emotions. That what stands before you are you. What is in you is not greater than. He said. But I am thinking you will be reminded from an ancient spirit of old that the glory of God, the Kingdom, the opportunity of God in you, is greater than the force that coming against you. He says the four winds of the earth are not to blow. And he said I am the cause, the wind, to blow on it. You in this. Then, even though it looks like you are not moving when you are making you crazy, that is going to be a force against the gates of hell. 

Conclusion: A Vision for the Future 

And I am going to close right here. I know so much. But let me close right here. In the days that we are in, I did not see. I saw the church become almost like a hustler. I saw prices breaking out in cities at large. I saw where there were lots of beds. That the city you are going to bring me, I have nowhere and mental wards. They will have no right in jail cells to hold the chaos cracks. He is at his country. But God said I am using it to awaken the Kingdom. Miracles are getting ready. Streets people like everywhere you get them little at the supermarket at the gas station. 

Apostle Cindy Thompson Global Academy  

This is a transcript article.  

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