In a recent discussion, Joseph Z and Rick Renner explored key elements of biblical prophecy, focusing on events like the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, and the Millennial Kingdom. Their insights shed light on how these events are connected and why understanding them is vital for Christians today. Below is a conversational breakdown of their thoughts and perspectives.
The Timeline of Eternity
Joseph Z started by explaining that all of history can be seen as a timeline stretching from eternity past to eternity future. He pointed out that God, in His sovereignty, already knows the entire timeline, including where we fit into it.
“Think of eternity as this great timeline,” Joseph said. “On one side, you have eternity past, which includes the Old Testament era. On the other side is eternity future. And somewhere in between is where our lives happen. God has seen the end from the beginning. He knows exactly what’s happening now.”
He emphasized that the cross of Christ is the pivotal moment in all of history—not just on Earth, but for the entire universe. It’s what changed everything.
“The Old Testament is filled with history, laws, and prophecies,” Joseph explained. “Then Jesus came. The cross is the centerpiece of all history. Since then, we’ve been living in what we call the Church Age, which has lasted around 2,000 years.”
Joseph then pointed out that eschatology—the study of end times—can spark heated debates. Christians often differ on whether the Rapture will happen before, during, or after the Great Tribulation. However, he and Rick agree that the Church Age will end with the Rapture.
The Rapture: Biblical Concept and Misunderstanding
The Rapture is often criticized because the word itself isn’t found in many Bible translations. Rick Renner raised this point, asking how to respond to such criticism. Joseph offered a helpful explanation.
“While the word ‘rapture’ may not appear in most translations, the concept is definitely there,” Joseph said. He explained how Jerome, when translating the Bible into Latin, used the word rapture to convey the meaning of the Greek word harpazo.
“‘Harpazo’ means ‘to snatch away’ or ‘to rescue,'” he continued. “In 1 Thessalonians 4:17, when Paul says believers will be ‘caught up,’ he uses this word. Jerome translated it as rapture, and that’s the term we’ve used ever since.”
Rick was impressed by the description. “I love how you frame the Rapture as a rescue mission,” he said. “It’s God delivering His people at the perfect moment.”
Joseph agreed and added that the Rapture is likely to occur during a time of intense darkness and hopelessness. “Just when things seem at their worst, Christ will come and snatch His Church out of danger.”
The Great Tribulation: A Period of Wrath
After the Rapture, Joseph explained, the world will enter a seven-year period known as the Great Tribulation. This time is marked by God’s wrath being poured out on the Earth, and it’s divided into two three-and-a-half-year segments.
“Jesus described this period as a time of ‘birth pains,'” Joseph said. “These are signs indicating that the current age is coming to an end. During this time, God’s judgment will fall upon the Earth.”
The Church in Heaven: The Judgment Seat and Marriage Supper
While the Tribulation occurs on Earth, those who were raptured will be in Heaven, experiencing two significant events: the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
“The Judgment Seat isn’t about punishment,” Joseph clarified. “Our sins are already covered by the blood of Christ. Instead, it’s a place of qualification, where we’re assigned roles in God’s future plan.”
Rick reflected on the importance of this preparation for eternity. “So, what we do now is like pre-qualification for our tasks in the next life?”
“Exactly,” Joseph replied. “What we do now has eternal consequences.”
Rick Renner and Joseph Z Commentary on Last days
The Return of Christ and the Millennial Kingdom
Following the Tribulation, Jesus will return to Earth with His saints to end the period of suffering and establish His Millennial Kingdom.
“Jesus will stand on the Mount of Olives and set up His rule,” Joseph explained. “Jerusalem will be the center of His government.”
During this thousand-year reign, Satan will be bound and unable to deceive the nations. However, Joseph warned that at the end of this period, Satan will be released for a final test.
“After that final rebellion, fire from Heaven will consume God’s enemies,” Joseph said. “Then comes the final judgment.”
The Great White Throne Judgment and Eternity
The Great White Throne Judgment will be the moment when all unbelievers from every age stand before God.
“This is when the wicked dead are judged,” Joseph explained. “The righteous won’t face this judgment. Afterward, God will create a new heaven and a new Earth, and we’ll rule and reign with Christ forever.”
Rick marveled at the idea of eternity. “We can’t even begin to comprehend what that will be like,” he said.
The Urgency of Our Mission
Rick brought up a common criticism of those who believe in a pre-tribulation Rapture—that they’re escapists who want to avoid hardship. Joseph responded with humor but also with a serious reminder about the mission of the Church.
“I do believe in escape!” Joseph laughed. “I don’t want to be here during God’s wrath. But believing in the Rapture doesn’t make us complacent. It actually gives us a sense of urgency. We need to reach as many souls as possible before these events take place.”
Joseph pointed to examples of raptures in the Bible, such as Enoch, Elijah, and Jesus Himself. He also warned that the Bible predicts mockers will ridicule the idea of the Rapture in the last days.
“We are living in the last of the last days,” he said. “Everything we do now holds eternal significance. We must take responsibility for the calling God has placed on us.”
A Call to Prayer and Evangelism
At the end of the conversation, Joseph led a prayer for guidance and purpose in these final days.
“Father, we commit ourselves to You,” he prayed. “Help us take full responsibility for the life and calling You’ve given us. Open the eyes of our understanding so that we can walk in Your fullness. We step into Your assignments with all our hearts. In the name of Jesus, Amen.”
Joseph concluded by emphasizing the importance of evangelism.
“We need to reach out to our neighbors, friends, and family who aren’t saved,” he said. “Time is short, and we have a responsibility to bring as many people as possible into the Kingdom.”
Conclusion: Living with Urgency and Hope
Rick highlighted how crucial it is for Christians to understand these end-time events.
“Believers need at least a working knowledge of these events,” he said. “It gives us a sense of urgency and responsibility.”
Joseph agreed, stressing that the world’s increasing lawlessness is a sign that Christians need to rise up and shine as lights in the darkness.
“We can’t put our hope in human leaders or governments,” he said. “Our hope is in the Lord and His return.”
This conversation serves as both a reminder and a call to action for Christians to stay vigilant, urgent, and faithful in their mission as the final events of God’s plan unfold.