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A Work of Faith: Embracing the Journey to Receive God’s Promises, Rick Renner

The Half-Brother of Jesus, James, Helps Us Understand



Life is unpredictable, isn’t it? One moment, you’re waking up with a smile, thinking, “Today’s going to be great!” Then, one look from your spouse—or a notification on your phone—completely derails your mood. Suddenly, the day you thought was yours is no longer yours.

That’s life. But the Bible gives us a powerful perspective on how to handle life’s ups and downs, especially in the book of James. Today, we’ll dive into James 1 and uncover what it means to count it all joy in the midst of trials.

A Letter to the Scattered

James 1:1
“James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad.”

James begins his letter by addressing Jewish believers who were “scattered abroad.” The Greek word here is diaspora, and it paints a vivid picture of people ripped from their homes, randomly dispersed across unfamiliar lands. These believers were struggling to survive. They weren’t just having a tough week—they were in survival mode.

To these people, James says something remarkable: he reminds them of their identity in Christ. He uses the word brethren, which in Greek is adelphos. This term comes from delphos, meaning “womb.” By adding an a, it becomes adelphos, describing those who are born from the same womb.

This familial term became significant in the New Testament era because believers are spiritually born of the same “womb” of God and bound together by the blood of Jesus. It was also popularized during the time of Alexander the Great, who would refer to his soldiers as adelphoi, recognizing their unity as comrades fighting for a common cause.

James uses this word not just to address these scattered believers, but to assure them: You’re not alone. You’re part of a family. We’re in this fight together.

Count It All Joy

James 1:2-4
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations, knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”

Right off the bat, James gives a startling instruction: “Count it all joy.” Notice, he doesn’t say, “Enjoy your problems.” If you enjoy your problems, you might need to see someone professionally! Instead, James says to count it joy.

The Greek word for count is hegeomai, which means to evaluate or add it up. Picture a ledger. Normally, trouble plus trouble equals what? Double trouble, right? But James says that’s not how it works for us. When we evaluate our trials through the lens of faith, the sum total is joy—not because of the trials themselves, but because of what God is producing in us through them.

The Difference Between Joy and Happiness

Let’s be clear: joy is not the same as happiness. Happiness is a fleeting emotion tied to external circumstances. You can wake up happy, but one bad word from your spouse or an irritating email can make that happiness vanish.

Joy, however, is deeper. The Greek word for joy is chara, which is related to the word charis, meaning grace. Joy isn’t something you can muster up on your own—it’s produced by the grace of God in your life.

Think of a river. On the surface, the water may ripple or churn depending on the wind or weather. But deep below, there’s a steady, unchanging current that remains untouched. That’s what joy is: a deep, abiding strength that’s not dependent on external factors.

Paul understood this when he wrote to the Thessalonians, “You are having extreme tribulation and great joy.” Their joy wasn’t diminished by their trials. This is the kind of joy James is talking about—a joy that stands firm, no matter what life throws your way.

Trials Will Come—Be Ready

“When You Fall Into Diverse Temptations”
James doesn’t say “if” trials come. He says “when.” The Greek word for fall is peripipto, a compound of peri (around) and pipto (to fall). It describes someone falling headfirst into a situation where they’re completely surrounded.

The only other time this word appears in the New Testament is in the story of the Good Samaritan. Remember the man who “fell among thieves?” The thieves beat him, robbed him, and left him for dead. That’s the level of hardship James is describing. Even when life feels like it’s robbing you and leaving you for dead, James says, “Count it all joy.”

The Testing of Your Faith

James 1:3
“Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.”

The word trying (dokimion) refers to a process of testing designed to prove authenticity. Imagine a company that claims their vase is unbreakable. Before releasing it, they test it by beating and dropping it to see if it lives up to the claim.

When you declare your faith, the enemy essentially says, “Let’s see if you really mean that.” If you say, “I’m trusting God for my finances,” unexpected bills may show up. That’s your opportunity to stand firm and prove the authenticity of your faith.

Patience: The Power to Stay

James continues, “The trying of your faith worketh patience.” The Greek word for patience is hupomone, a compound of hupo (under) and meno (to remain). It describes the ability to stay steadfast under pressure, refusing to budge.

One translator calls this “staying power,” and that’s exactly what it is. It’s not passive waiting—it’s an active, determined perseverance.

“Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father.”  1 Thessalonians 1:3

Going Full Term

James 1:4
“Let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”

James compares this process to pregnancy. Imagine a woman trying to give birth 24 hours after conceiving—it would be a nightmare! Her body wouldn’t be ready, and neither would she. The same is true in our spiritual lives. There’s a gestation period for God’s promises.

Sometimes, we want to rush the process, but patience is necessary to mature and prepare us to receive.

Ask God for Wisdom

James 1:5
If you’re stuck, James says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.”

God isn’t the God of the clenched fist—He’s the God of the open hand. But you must come close to Him. When you draw near, He reveals what’s holding you back or what He’s working in you.

The Danger of Double-Mindedness

James 1:6-8
James warns against being double-minded. The Greek word dipsuchos means two-souled, like a person with two heads arguing over which direction to go.

Here’s where it gets funny. Imagine a man with two heads walking in. One head says, “I’m sitting here,” while the other says, “No, I’m sitting over there!” That’s double-mindedness—chaos. And when God sees a believer who can’t make up their mind, He probably thinks, “That’s the freakiest thing I’ve ever seen!”

Let me tell you about freak shows. When I was a kid, they had freak shows at the Tulsa State Fair. You’d pay a quarter to see the tattooed man, the fat lady, or the man with the club foot. Today, you don’t need to pay a quarter—just go to the mall!

The point is, a double-minded person is unstable, like a freakish anomaly. Faith requires stability and consistency.

Conclusion: Stand Firm in Faith

Life’s trials are unavoidable, but our response makes all the difference. Will you choose to stand firm, allowing patience to complete its work, or will you waver and miss what God has in store?

Faith isn’t about never facing hardship—it’s about trusting God through it all. Push back against doubt, seek God’s wisdom, and remain steadfast. Remember, you’re not done until the promise is in your hands!

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