Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Secrets of the Kingdom – How Not to Fall in Difficult Times – Part 3

I couldn’t believe it, but it was true.  Huge, tall pine trees on the Gulf Coast suddenly fell in a small storm.  Pine trees are so flexible and often survive hurricanes as they can bend and flex so well in strong wind.  Not these pine trees.  These trees though they looked the same as the other pine trees because they had little to no roots and the roots, they had was shallow.  Many pine trees fell during that time, but others didn’t. What was the difference? The trees that didn’t fall had deep roots.  Did you know that Jesus said that we too, as believers can fall, if we do not have roots?  Yes, we can look like all the other Christians, but a simple storm can cause us to fall because we didn’t think it was important to grow roots in our life.  In this teaching find out what Jesus tells us in the Secret of the Kingdom in how important roots are, what they are, what the cost is and how to grow them.  You’ll be blessed, inspired and confident once you learn this Kingdom Secret for any future storms that will come your way.  Prepare now, for storms always come.
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I couldn’t believe it, but it was true.  Huge, tall pine trees on the Gulf Coast suddenly fell in a small storm.  Pine trees are so flexible and often survive hurricanes as they can bend and flex so well in strong wind.  Not these pine trees.  These trees though they looked the same as the other pine trees because they had little to no roots and the roots, they had was shallow.  Many pine trees fell during that time, but others didn’t. What was the difference? The trees that didn’t fall had deep roots.  Did you know that Jesus said that we too, as believers can fall, if we do not have roots?  Yes, we can look like all the other Christians, but a simple storm can cause us to fall because we didn’t think it was important to grow roots in our life.  In this teaching find out what Jesus tells us in the Secret of the Kingdom in how important roots are, what they are, what the cost is and how to grow them.  You’ll be blessed, inspired and confident once you learn this Kingdom Secret for any future storms that will come your way.  Prepare now, for storms always come.
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