Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Secrets of the Kingdom, Part 8 – Two Trees in Your Garden

Did you ever wonder why God put two trees in the perfect Garden of Eden?  Everything would have stayed perfect if He had not; or would it have?  This is a powerful revelation from God’s word that reveals to you the gift God has given every person; a choice.  True love always consists of a choice; we choose to love.  It is no different when it comes to our relationship with Jesus; it’s a choice to love Him.  He loves us and proved it beyond any shadow of doubt, the question is do we love Him?  For some reason religion seems to have stolen this truth or deception has come upon many that says, “My life is this way because of God.” Or “God is why that bad thing is happening in my life.”  Never considering that everything we do in life is based on a choice we make.  Find out how God empowers us with truth from His Word on how we can identify good and bad choices and how our choices will not only impact our life here, but even our life in eternity.  Also you’ll discover how from day one of creation Father God is seeking sons and daughters and family.
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Did you ever wonder why God put two trees in the perfect Garden of Eden?  Everything would have stayed perfect if He had not; or would it have?  This is a powerful revelation from God’s word that reveals to you the gift God has given every person; a choice.  True love always consists of a choice; we choose to love.  It is no different when it comes to our relationship with Jesus; it’s a choice to love Him.  He loves us and proved it beyond any shadow of doubt, the question is do we love Him?  For some reason religion seems to have stolen this truth or deception has come upon many that says, “My life is this way because of God.” Or “God is why that bad thing is happening in my life.”  Never considering that everything we do in life is based on a choice we make.  Find out how God empowers us with truth from His Word on how we can identify good and bad choices and how our choices will not only impact our life here, but even our life in eternity.  Also you’ll discover how from day one of creation Father God is seeking sons and daughters and family.
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