Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Secrets of the Kingdom – PRODUCE! – Part 11

From the moment God created the earth, its trees, vegetation, fish, birds and even mankind He had one common command for all, which was to produce.   Jesus shares in this part of the secret of His kingdom how important it is to possess ability and desire to produce.   Jesus chose you for the purpose of relationship, yes, but also to produce, i.e. bear fruit, much fruit and fruit that lasts.  God has designed us all to feel a sense of satisfaction or fulfillment when we are productive.  On the contrary, when someone lives an unproductive life, they feel dissatisfied, having possibly little to no restraint and some lose their very desire to live.  In this message you’ll discover not only did God command fruitfulness to what He created, but also when you’ve become a new creation in Christ Jesus, when you were born again, He commands you to produce.  Jesus even says that what we produce, or don’t produce reveals who we, or others truly are.  Wow, I’d say this message is not only vitally important, but eternally important. You’ll be encouraged and empowered when you see how natural it is to produce when you have an authentic abiding relationship with Jesus Christ and how by just looking at what God created and how creation obeys Him, that we too, can do the same and get similar results.
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From the moment God created the earth, its trees, vegetation, fish, birds and even mankind He had one common command for all, which was to produce.   Jesus shares in this part of the secret of His kingdom how important it is to possess ability and desire to produce.   Jesus chose you for the purpose of relationship, yes, but also to produce, i.e. bear fruit, much fruit and fruit that lasts.  God has designed us all to feel a sense of satisfaction or fulfillment when we are productive.  On the contrary, when someone lives an unproductive life, they feel dissatisfied, having possibly little to no restraint and some lose their very desire to live.  In this message you’ll discover not only did God command fruitfulness to what He created, but also when you’ve become a new creation in Christ Jesus, when you were born again, He commands you to produce.  Jesus even says that what we produce, or don’t produce reveals who we, or others truly are.  Wow, I’d say this message is not only vitally important, but eternally important. You’ll be encouraged and empowered when you see how natural it is to produce when you have an authentic abiding relationship with Jesus Christ and how by just looking at what God created and how creation obeys Him, that we too, can do the same and get similar results.
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