Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Secrets of the Kingdom – Stuff and Things – Part 5

We live in a world filled with a deep desire for more and more “Stuff & Things”, material possessions. One of the richest men in the world, Jeff Bezos, amassed his wealth by delivering an unprecedented volume of goods to a vast audience with remarkable speed through his company, Amazon. Interestingly, Jesus addressed this very topic while revealing the secrets of His Kingdom. This aspect of the secret is crucial as it not only draws from God's word on how the "desire for things" can lead us astray but it can also take us out! This secret highlights how not knowing it can prevent us from fulfilling our true purpose: to bear fruit, abundant fruit, fruit that endures. People may be recognized by various attributes, but in the eyes of God, He identifies us by one thing alone, and Jesus taught that others would recognize us by the same metric: our fruit. This message aims to help you prioritize your life, focusing on and identifying what "fruit" truly means for a believer, as explained by Jesus.
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We live in a world filled with a deep desire for more and more “Stuff & Things”, material possessions. One of the richest men in the world, Jeff Bezos, amassed his wealth by delivering an unprecedented volume of goods to a vast audience with remarkable speed through his company, Amazon. Interestingly, Jesus addressed this very topic while revealing the secrets of His Kingdom. This aspect of the secret is crucial as it not only draws from God's word on how the "desire for things" can lead us astray but it can also take us out! This secret highlights how not knowing it can prevent us from fulfilling our true purpose: to bear fruit, abundant fruit, fruit that endures. People may be recognized by various attributes, but in the eyes of God, He identifies us by one thing alone, and Jesus taught that others would recognize us by the same metric: our fruit. This message aims to help you prioritize your life, focusing on and identifying what "fruit" truly means for a believer, as explained by Jesus.
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