Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Secrets of the Kingdom – Kingdom Soil – Part 6

This enlightenment is for you if you are ready to move beyond "religion" and to seriously and eternally embrace the words, wisdom, and secrets of the Kingdom over which Jesus reigns as King. You will uncover the mystery Jesus reveals about the Kingdom's location, understand the significance of recognizing your personal role, and learn the importance of protecting your kingdom soil. Ultimately, you will discover that it is within this kingdom soil where God has chosen to cultivate the fruit He desires and expects from our lives as believers and followers of Jesus. Everything aligns when you comprehend the Secrets of the Kingdom.
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This enlightenment is for you if you are ready to move beyond "religion" and to seriously and eternally embrace the words, wisdom, and secrets of the Kingdom over which Jesus reigns as King. You will uncover the mystery Jesus reveals about the Kingdom's location, understand the significance of recognizing your personal role, and learn the importance of protecting your kingdom soil. Ultimately, you will discover that it is within this kingdom soil where God has chosen to cultivate the fruit He desires and expects from our lives as believers and followers of Jesus. Everything aligns when you comprehend the Secrets of the Kingdom.
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