Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Secrets of the Kingdom – Crying out for Justice- Part 16

We are facing difficult days in America and the world.  We’re seeing cities on fire as many cry out for justice.  It seems like everywhere you look you’ll hear someone crying out for justice.  What does God say about justice?  Jesus tells us that God wants to bring you justice.  He tells us that we’re to cry out to God for justice and He will answer us.  When we’ve gone a long time without seeing justice we can be tempted to “get our own justice.” That is what Israel did historically and mankind often does when they turn away from God. Find out what happens to people who seek their own justice and find out how vitally important it is to look to God for His justice.  Never stop crying out for Justice!
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We are facing difficult days in America and the world.  We’re seeing cities on fire as many cry out for justice.  It seems like everywhere you look you’ll hear someone crying out for justice.  What does God say about justice?  Jesus tells us that God wants to bring you justice.  He tells us that we’re to cry out to God for justice and He will answer us.  When we’ve gone a long time without seeing justice we can be tempted to “get our own justice.” That is what Israel did historically and mankind often does when they turn away from God. Find out what happens to people who seek their own justice and find out how vitally important it is to look to God for His justice.  Never stop crying out for Justice!
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