Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Secrets of the Kingdom – Pentecost – Part 14

There are so many people who speak about landlords describing them as “a landlord from hell.”  There are many landlords who describe so many tenants as “a tenant from hell.”   Sometimes things never change until there is a new vision, a new purpose and a new Landlord, and yes, even new tenants. That is like what this Secret of the Kingdom is about, the day that God moves in and takes over ownership.  For years you might have felt like you’ve been under a ruthless landlord who didn’t keep anything up and things became rundown in your life.  Maybe you’ve seen this with your grandparents, parents and now you are living under the same conditions that seem to be filled with so many difficulties with no help.  Pentecost was the day God’s Spirit moved in and took over.  It was the day the church was birthed!  It was right after the price was paid in full, in heaven, to purchase everything back from the true landlord from hell; satan himself.  You are going to be encouraged and inspired if you’ve not yet allowed God to move in and take up residence in your heart.  If you have, it’s time to let Him take over and lead from now on with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and power.   For there is a new Sheriff in town, on earth and in the universe and His name is Jesus.
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There are so many people who speak about landlords describing them as “a landlord from hell.”  There are many landlords who describe so many tenants as “a tenant from hell.”   Sometimes things never change until there is a new vision, a new purpose and a new Landlord, and yes, even new tenants. That is like what this Secret of the Kingdom is about, the day that God moves in and takes over ownership.  For years you might have felt like you’ve been under a ruthless landlord who didn’t keep anything up and things became rundown in your life.  Maybe you’ve seen this with your grandparents, parents and now you are living under the same conditions that seem to be filled with so many difficulties with no help.  Pentecost was the day God’s Spirit moved in and took over.  It was the day the church was birthed!  It was right after the price was paid in full, in heaven, to purchase everything back from the true landlord from hell; satan himself.  You are going to be encouraged and inspired if you’ve not yet allowed God to move in and take up residence in your heart.  If you have, it’s time to let Him take over and lead from now on with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and power.   For there is a new Sheriff in town, on earth and in the universe and His name is Jesus.
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