Media by Search for:Search Button RECENT SERIES SPEAKER Falling out of Love? Re-Discovering Your First Love Slip Sliding Away; The Battle Between Light and Darkness A RADICAL SHIFT FROM DARKNESS TO LIFE AND BEING OPEN TO THE LORD’S INVITATION TO JOIN YOU IN YOUR HOME There Comes a Time, When Oppression is Over, But You Must Fight for Your Freedom Code Red! Confronting Sin before it Conquers You! Don’t Stop at 6! Press into the Promise! Freedom, Forgiveness & Healing A Letter, a Liar & the Truth. Sin, Love & the World Ready or Not, Here I Come! The Coming Move of God, Make Sure You are Ready! Promotion Comes from the Lord; Through the Gift He has Given you Blessings in the Time of Turmoil EPICENTER of the Heart of God JUDGing or LOVing – Breaking Free from That Which Stops Love & Intimacy in your life; judgeMENTALism! GETTING A GLIMPSE BEHIND AN OPEN DOOR IN HEAVEN You, God & a Word from God Can be an Unstoppable Force RECEIVING, A Vital Part of God’s Kingdom Economy; Benefits & Consequences Transcendence of God Through His Son; All God, All Man – FOREVER! FIGHT! Lights, Camera, ACTION! Automate Your Success! Discovering the Power of Routine Goals! Setting Youself Up for Success Life’s Challenges, God’s Plan, Those Who Have Access & Running for Your Life! ALL IN? You’ll never go wrong when you are ALL IN for God! Prophetic Vision – All Paper Money Pulled from Earth and Burned in a Mountain of Fire Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 Page6 Page7 Page8 Page9 Page10 Page11 Page12 Page13 The Commands of Jesus End Times Rejoice Always The Battle for Truth Humor Moments Wisdom Moment The Jesus Revolution Organizer of the Day Vs. Organizers of the Night Eight Strategies for Staying Steadfast and Avoiding Missteps as a Christian Heart of Nehemiah Zero Tolerance Secrets of the Kingdom Dynamics of Shepherds and Sheep First Love God's Secret Wisdom The Promised Holy Spirit The A.I. Dilemma and the Church Awakening Healing TWO SECRETS to Being Established and Successful Unhinged Forgiveness Tidal Waves Wisdom is Spelled J-E-S-U-S Love is Enough to Let Go – Romans 14 Smeared Tatics Angels God's Enforcers Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit Dreams And Visions Of Angels and Men Could this be Jezebel’s Last Stand Vexed Greg Lancaster Speaker Jentezen Franklin Speaker Dutch Sheets Speaker Art Thomas Speaker John Kilpatrick Speaker Troy Brewer Speaker Darren Stott Speaker Joseph Garlington Speaker Jack Hibbs Speaker Bill Johnson Speaker Tim Sheets Speaker Kynan Bridges Speaker Benny Hinn Speaker
JUDGing or LOVing – Breaking Free from That Which Stops Love & Intimacy in your life; judgeMENTALism!