Media by Search for:Search Button RECENT SERIES SPEAKER The Importance of Honor And Guarding The Presence Of God It’s All About Jesus What You Talk About Will Come Breaking the Bread of My Soul WE SERVE A GOD WHO TURNS THINGS AROUND Mourning? The Five Stages of Grief – It is healthy to mourn, but unhealthy to more too long. Romans 12:15 FIRST LOVE! Show Me Your Face (Part 18) Four Anchors – Warning Storm Ahead (Storehouse Blessing Part 4) The Blessing (Part 3) Your Storehouse The Blessing (Part 2) The Blessing (Part 1) FIRST LOVE! Love Your Enemies…Tortured For Christ | Sabina (Part 17) FIRST LOVE! Love Your Enemies…It’s Redemptive! (Part 16) FIRST LOVE! Love Your Enemies…Imitating Those Who Have Gone Before Us (Part 15) FIRST LOVE! Love Your Enemies…Great Heavenly Reward (Part 14) FIRST LOVE! Love With All… As a Passionate Bride (Part 13) FIRST LOVE! Love With All… To the End (Part 12) FIRST LOVE! Love With All… It’s a War (Part 11) FIRST LOVE! Love With All… Means (Part 10) FIRST LOVE! Love Is… (Part 9) Is Jesus in Your Corner? Or Are You Fighting Life’s Battles Alone? The Triumphal Entry of Our King FIRST LOVE! It is a Verb and a Fruit…(Part 8) FIRST LOVE! Are you Asking the Right Questions?… (Part 7) FIRST LOVE! A Jealous Love… (Part 6) FIRST LOVE! Worry, Anxiety, Awe, & Trust… (Part 5) FIRST LOVE! The Power of Godly Sorrow… (Part 4) Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 Page6 Page7 Page8 Page9 Page10 Page11 Page12 Page13 The Commands of Jesus End Times Rejoice Always The Battle for Truth Humor Moments Wisdom Moment The Jesus Revolution Organizer of the Day Vs. Organizers of the Night Eight Strategies for Staying Steadfast and Avoiding Missteps as a Christian Heart of Nehemiah Zero Tolerance Secrets of the Kingdom Dynamics of Shepherds and Sheep First Love God's Secret Wisdom The Promised Holy Spirit The A.I. Dilemma and the Church Awakening Healing TWO SECRETS to Being Established and Successful Unhinged Forgiveness Tidal Waves Wisdom is Spelled J-E-S-U-S Love is Enough to Let Go – Romans 14 Smeared Tatics Angels God's Enforcers Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit Dreams And Visions Of Angels and Men Could this be Jezebel’s Last Stand Vexed Greg Lancaster Speaker Jentezen Franklin Speaker Dutch Sheets Speaker Art Thomas Speaker John Kilpatrick Speaker Troy Brewer Speaker Darren Stott Speaker Joseph Garlington Speaker Jack Hibbs Speaker Bill Johnson Speaker Tim Sheets Speaker Kynan Bridges Speaker Benny Hinn Speaker
Mourning? The Five Stages of Grief – It is healthy to mourn, but unhealthy to more too long. Romans 12:15