Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

FIRST LOVE! Sin Friends Who Pull You Away… (Part 3)

There is nothing harder than to have a long-term relationship with a friend and to find out that if you are going to have a better life you must let that “toxic relationship” go.  When we come to Jesus with all of our sins and brokenness, He receives us as we are, but He doesn’t receive our “sin” or as we’ll learn in this message our “sin friends.”  If you’ve struggled with leaving your life of sin and you find yourself returning again and again, this message will show you what more than likely is causing such a thing to reoccur in your life.  Find out what the fuel is, what the inspiration is, what the motivation is that will empower you to say goodbye once and for all to that life of sin and meet or return to your First Love.
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There is nothing harder than to have a long-term relationship with a friend and to find out that if you are going to have a better life you must let that “toxic relationship” go.  When we come to Jesus with all of our sins and brokenness, He receives us as we are, but He doesn’t receive our “sin” or as we’ll learn in this message our “sin friends.”  If you’ve struggled with leaving your life of sin and you find yourself returning again and again, this message will show you what more than likely is causing such a thing to reoccur in your life.  Find out what the fuel is, what the inspiration is, what the motivation is that will empower you to say goodbye once and for all to that life of sin and meet or return to your First Love.
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