Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

FIRST LOVE! Love Is… (Part 9)

There may have been times when you saw someone in a relationship not being loving.  Or maybe it was you or someone else who accused them or you of “not being loving.”  You heard them say, “Tell me what you want!”  That is exactly what this message is all about answering that person (s) and our question, what is love?  What does it look like?  How do I know if I am loving or not?  Why does one person say I don’t love them, but you feel you are loving them?  Are there different meanings to “love”? Be encouraged as you watch this message on this very thing, “Love is….”
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There may have been times when you saw someone in a relationship not being loving.  Or maybe it was you or someone else who accused them or you of “not being loving.”  You heard them say, “Tell me what you want!”  That is exactly what this message is all about answering that person (s) and our question, what is love?  What does it look like?  How do I know if I am loving or not?  Why does one person say I don’t love them, but you feel you are loving them?  Are there different meanings to “love”? Be encouraged as you watch this message on this very thing, “Love is….”
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