Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

FIRST LOVE! Love Your Enemies…Great Heavenly Reward (Part 14)

So many of us struggle with love and it’s not really until we discover the love of God, do we even begin to understand love.  Some people use “their love” as a commodity, you do this for me, and I’ll love you.  If you don’t do this I’ll love you.  That is not how God’s love is. God’s love is agape love as the translators of Greek described it.  It’s unconditional love.  It’s a choice, it’s perfect love, it’s a decision to love.  It’s a love that is unconditional.  You can only imagine when a person that mishandles love that way and eventually finds out that not only does Jesus tell us to love each other, your fellow believers, but to also love your enemies. What? How could that be?  That is exactly what this message is about.  Walk with us as we unfold what is Jesus’ expectation of those who are His when He tells us to “Love Our Enemies.”  Love is so much more than we first thought!
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So many of us struggle with love and it’s not really until we discover the love of God, do we even begin to understand love.  Some people use “their love” as a commodity, you do this for me, and I’ll love you.  If you don’t do this I’ll love you.  That is not how God’s love is. God’s love is agape love as the translators of Greek described it.  It’s unconditional love.  It’s a choice, it’s perfect love, it’s a decision to love.  It’s a love that is unconditional.  You can only imagine when a person that mishandles love that way and eventually finds out that not only does Jesus tell us to love each other, your fellow believers, but to also love your enemies. What? How could that be?  That is exactly what this message is about.  Walk with us as we unfold what is Jesus’ expectation of those who are His when He tells us to “Love Our Enemies.”  Love is so much more than we first thought!
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